英语听力-听电影学英语:一生的唯一 03(在线收听

  [00:01.04]Hello. 你好
  [00:02.20]How are you? How's it going? 怎样?今天还行吗?
  [00:09.68]All right. 好
  [00:11.84]What's wrong with it? 它哪里坏了?
  [00:13.84]It is fucked. 废了呗
  [00:16.12]It doesn't suck up the dirt. 不吸尘了
  [00:17.56]Well, listen, there's nothing I can do, 我没法修阿
  [00:17.84]I don't have any of my tools or nothing with me. 我没带工具来
  [00:19.44]I'm going on me break now. 我现在要休息了
  [00:22.60]Can you bring it in tomorrow or something? 明天再带过来行么
  [00:23.52]Well, no, I bring it today. 不阿,今天我带过来了阿
  [00:25.96]- You, you... - Yeah, but there's nothing I can do with it, love, -  你,你... -  对,不过我现在也帮不上忙啊,亲爱的
  [00:28.24]I don't have me tools, or... 我没工具...
  [00:30.04]It's like I have to bring it home. 我得带它回家呢
  [00:31.36]If I come on break, you have a look at it at least? 你至少看一眼啊
  [00:38.32]Yeah, but you don't understand. 对,你不明白
  [00:38.60]I come with you, then? 那我跟你走?
  [00:39.00]For lunch? 吃午饭去?
  [00:43.16]Yeah, all right. 好吧
  [00:44.28]Okay. 好
  [00:44.40]- Yes, we go together? - Yeah. -  走吧? -  成
  [00:48.36]Thank you. 谢谢
  [00:50.76]- You hungry? - I'm always hungry. -  你饿吗? -  我总是很饿
  [01:01.16]So you know a bit about music then? 你也懂音乐?
  [01:07.52]My father used to play in the orchestra back at home. 我爸在老家的时候在管弦乐团呆过
  [01:10.24]He played violin. 拉小提琴
  [01:13.80]But he got arthritis then, and he killed himself. 后来得关节炎了,自杀了
  [01:16.16]Really? 真的?
  [01:18.88]But before he go, he teach me how to play piano. 他走之前,教过我弹钢琴
  [01:22.12]"It's not so hard on the fingers," he said. “弹钢琴手指没那么累。”他说的
  [01:25.72]Do you get to play much? 你弹的机会多吗?
  [01:29.28]Hmm. No, I don't, I don't have a piano at home. 恩,不多,我家没钢琴
  [01:30.08]I can't get one in Ireland; it's so much money. 在爱尔兰这里我也买不到,太贵了
  [01:32.48]I can't afford it. 买不起
  [01:36.44]Yeah, it's expensive all right. 对,是很贵
  [01:46.92]I play in a piano shop. 我到一家琴行里弹
  [01:50.48]one hour per day at lunch. 每天午饭时间能弹一小时
  [01:50.60]This man lets me play- 那人让我弹
  [01:53.84]Somewhere around here? 在这附近?
  [01:55.52]You want to hear me play? 你想听我弹?
  [01:57.96]- Yeah. - Now? -  对 -  现在?
  [02:00.00]Yeah. 对
  [02:01.12]Okay. 好吧
  [02:04.76]Can we come in? 我们能进来吗?
  [02:15.00]This is the man I was telling you about. 我跟你说的就是他
  [02:17.00]He's a real gentleman. 他是个真正的绅士
  [02:18.80]Hi. 嗨
  [02:19.80]Okay for me to play today? 今天我能弹吗?
  [02:21.88]Yeah, that's fine. 没问题
  [02:23.68]Thanks. 谢了
  [02:25.48]Not the baby Yamaha though. She's sold. 那雅马哈可不行哦,卖了
  [02:26.36]- Okie-dokie. - Mm-hmm. -  没问题
  [02:33.04]Now, which one today? 那今天弹哪个呢?
  [03:50.52]That kind of thing. 类似的东西
  [03:55.80]It's amazing. 太棒了
  [03:56.12]Did you write that? 你写的吗?
  [03:57.40]No, no, Mendelssohn did. 不是啦,门德尔松的
  [04:00.16]It's good. 很棒
  [04:01.68]It's good, yes. 是啊
  [04:04.76]Play me another of your songs. 弹首你的曲子吧?
  [04:07.04]No. 别
  [04:08.04]Please. 求你了
  [04:09.04]Not here. 在这里不好吧
  [04:10.16]Why? Here, Billy doesn't mind. 为什么?比利不介意的
  [04:11.24]- You think it would be all right? - Yes. -  你觉得没问题? -  当然
  [04:16.80]Okay. 好
  [04:17.52]Let's put that there, yeah? 放这儿
  [04:20.96]Mm-hmm. 恩
  [04:22.04]This is in C, yeah? 这是C和弦
  [04:23.92]Yeah, okay, I can see that. 恩,我知道
  [04:26.32]Okay. 好
  [04:28.32]So, it goes, um... 然后是...
  [04:31.64]Da... It goes, # Da-da-da-da # Da...这样
  [04:34.00]# Da-da-da-da, da-da-da-da-da #
  [04:42.76]Yeah? And then there's a bit in there- 明白?然后是这样的
  [04:43.84]Can you do that? 你能跟上吗?
  [04:47.40]# Da-da-da-da-da... #
  [04:53.08]Brilliant. 很好
  [04:54.88]And then there's another part that goes, uh... 然后是另外一部分
  [04:56.08]# Ba-ba-pa-pa-pa #
