英语听力:听电影学英语—泰山 01(在线收听

  [00:06.48]Yes. Sabor killed his family. 对  花豹杀了他全家
  [00:06.60]Was it alone? 只有他吗?
  [00:10.60]-Are you sure? -Yes. There are no others. -你确定?  -我确定  除了他没有别人了
  [00:15.24]Then you may keep him. 嗯  那你留着他吧!
  [00:19.48]Kerchak, I know he'll be a good son. 哥查  我知道他会是个好儿子的
  [00:21.48]I said he could stay. 我说他可以留下
  [00:23.68]That doesn't make him my son. 没说他可以做我儿子
  [00:29.88]We will nest here for the night. 我们今晚在这里过夜
  [00:36.72]So, um, whatcha gonna call it? 那... 你要叫他什么呢?
  [00:40.72]I'm gonna call him... Tarzan. 我要叫他  泰山
  [00:44.76]Tarzan? Okay. He's your baby. 泰山  好吧! 反正是你的小孩
  [00:47.80]All right, little lady, come on. It's way past your nest time. 好了  小小姐  快来吧! 你该休息了
  [00:50.00]-Oh, mom, five more minutes? -No! -喔! 妈  五分钟  -不行
  [00:52.24]-Two more minutes? -No! -两分钟  -不行
  [00:55.80]One more minutes? 一分钟可以吧?
  [01:05.24]Don't cry. I'm here. 不要哭  我在这
  [01:07.52]Come on, come on. 不要怕啊
  [01:10.84]# come, stop your crying, it'll be all right # 不要再哭了  不要难过了
  [01:15.28]# just take my hand hold it tight # 把你的手握紧我
  [01:20.88]# I will protect you from all around you # 我会在你身边保护着你
  [01:25.92]# I will be here, don't you cry # 陪伴着你  不要哭
  [01:30.92]# for one so small, you seem so strong # 怀中的你  小却坚强
  [01:35.96]# my arms will hold you keep you safe and warm # 我的双臂给你爱和温暖
  [01:38.80]# this bond between us can't be broken # 谁都拉不开我们的爱
  [01:43.00]# I will be here don't you cry # 陪伴着你  别再哭
  [01:47.00]# because you'll be in my heart # 你在我心里面
  [01:52.04]# yes, you'll be in my heart # 你在我心里面
  [01:57.48]# from this day on, now and forever more # 从今天起  会一直到永远
  [02:07.08]# you'll be in my heart # 在我心里面
  [02:11.12]# no matter what they say # 管他们怎么说
  [02:16.12]# you'll be here in my heart # 你是我的宝贝
  [02:21.16]# always # 永远
  [02:27.16]Always. 永远
  [02:54.28]Tarzan? 泰山
  [03:01.52]-I sure scared you, mom. -You sure did! -妈  被我吓到了吧?  -你这孩子!
  [03:05.92]Can't you imitate any quieter animals? 你就不能学些乖一点的动物吗
  [03:09.40]Oh, mom, they're no fun. Wanna see me be a leopard? 喔  妈  那不好玩 看我学花豹叫
  [03:13.96]Why don't you just come up with your own sound? 你学些自个儿的声音给我听啊
  [03:22.00]Kala! 卡娜
  [03:34.24]Tarzan, thank goodness you're all right! 泰山  谢天谢地你没事
  [03:38.24]Kala and I have been so worried! 卡娜跟我都好担心
  [03:40.08]Thank you. Thank you so much for finding him, Kerchak. 哥查  谢谢你... 谢谢你帮我们找到他
  [03:43.48]You are such a wise and caring leader. 你真是一个好有智慧的领袖哦
  [03:48.08]Run. 跑
  [03:55.32]Hello! Are you thick in the head? 过来  你脑筋有问题啊
  [03:55.80]-What? -How many times do I have to tell you? -干嘛?  -要我说几次你才懂啊
  [03:57.80]If you want Kerchak to like you, stay away from him! 想要哥查喜欢你的话  最好给我离他远一点
  [04:01.52]Come on, Terk! Step on it! 嘿! 托托  快来  等你了
  [04:03.32]Last one there's a dung beetle! 最后到的是呆瓜  快喔
  [04:04.52]Yeah! And the first one's gotta eat it! 对  先到的是傻瓜
  [04:07.72]Terk, can I come? 托托  我能去吗?
  [04:08.72]Well, yeah, you could if you could keep up but... you know. 可以  只要你追的上  但是...
  [04:11.76]You can't really keep up. 可惜你啊  每次都追不上
  [04:12.16]Wait up, guys. Wait up! 喂! 等等我呀  喂...
  [04:14.96]Right behind you. 我追到你们了
  [04:28.40]Ah, yeah, take that. Stop hitting yourself. 自己打自己
  [04:30.40]Stop hitting yourself! 自己打自己
  [04:33.28]The fun has arrived. Thank you very much. 开心果来啦  谢谢各位
  [04:38.72]What took you so long? 你怎么那么久才来
  [04:39.40]I had a little pest control problem, 有一个小尾巴一直跟着我
  [04:40.88]but it's all taken care of. 不过现在已经没事啦
  [04:44.12]Hi, guys. 大家好
  [04:46.32]Terk, what is this? Some kind of joke? 托托  你干嘛? 开玩笑啊
  [04:48.12]Tell me I'm not looking at the hairless wonder. 天呀! 嘴上无毛的人又来了
  [04:52.36]Well. Terk said I could come along 因为... 托托说
  [04:54.92]-Ah, no, Terk, come on! -Terk! -天呀  不会吧!  -托托  拜托
  [04:59.76]I'll handle this, guys. Okay? 我来处里  放心吧  别急

