
   A "clear majority" of students profiled failed to voluntarily avoid their gadgets for one full day.

  Withdrawalsymptoms experienced by young people deprived of gadgets and technology is compared to those felt by drug addicts or smokers going “cold turkey”, a study has concluded.
  Researchers found nearly four in five students had significant mental and physical distress, panic, confusion and extreme isolation when forced to unplugfrom technology for an entire day.
  They found college students at campuses across the globe admitted being “addicted” to modern technology such as mobile phones, laptops and television as well as social networking such as Facebook and Twitter.
  A “clear majority" of almost 1,000 university students, interviewed at 12 campuses in 10 countries, including Britain, America and China, were unable to voluntarily avoid their gadgets for one full day, they concluded.
  The University of Maryland research described students’ thoughts in vivid detail, in which they admit to cravings, anxiety attacks and depression when forced to abstain fromusing media.
  One unnamed American college student told of their overwhelming cravings, which they confessed was similar to “itching like a crackhead(crack cocaine addict)”.
  The study concluded that “most students... failed to go the full 24 hours without media”.
  The research, titled The World Unplugged, also found students used “virtually the same words to describe their reactions”. These included emotions such as fretful, confused, anxious, irritable, insecure, nervous, restless, crazy, addicted, panicked, jealous, angry, lonely, dependent, depressed, jittery and paranoid.
  Prof Susan Moeller, who led the research, said technology had changed the students’ relationships.
  "Students talked about how scary it was, how addicted they were,” she said.
  "They expected the frustration. But they didn't expect to have the psychological effects, to be lonely, to be panicked, the anxiety, literally heart palpitations.
  “Technology provides the social network for young people today and they have spent their entire lives being ‘plugged in’.”
  马里兰大学的这项研究生(论坛) 动地描述了学生想法的种种细节。学生们承认,在被迫脱离这些媒介工具时,他们会产生强烈的欲望,感到焦虑和抑郁。
  这一研究的领头人苏珊 莫勒教授说,科技已经改变了学生之间的关系。
  withdrawal: the period of time when somebody is getting used to not taking a drug that they have become dependent on, and the unpleasant effects of doing this(戒毒过程;脱瘾过程)
  cold turkey: the unpleasant state that drug addicts experience when they suddenly stop taking a drug; a way of treating drug addicts that makes them experience this state (吸毒成瘾者)突然戒毒时的痛苦;(治疗吸毒成瘾者的)突然戒毒方法
  unplug: to remove the plug of a piece of electrical equipment from the electricity supply(拔掉……的电源插头)
  craving: a strong desire for something(强烈的愿望;渴望;热望)
  abstain from: to decide not to do something, especially something you like or enjoy, because it is bad for your health or considered morally wrong(戒绝)
  crackhead: a person who uses the illegal drug crack(强效纯可卡因瘾君子)
  paranoid: afraid or suspicious of other people and believing that they are trying to harm you, in a way that is not reasonable(多疑的;恐惧的;偏执的)
  heart palpitation: 心悸