英语听力:听电影学英语—全民情敌 10(在线收听

  [00:06.46]Don't ever... 不准再这样…
  [00:12.30]do that again. 跳舞了
  [00:14.50]Do you hear me? 听清楚了?
  [00:16.50]- Just expressing myself. - No. 我只是表达自我 不行
  [00:17.86]Not like that, you're not, all right? 那样根本不是表达自我 知道吗?
  [00:24.70]This is where you live. 你要这样跳
  [00:28.02]You live right here, okay? This is home. 就是这样,这样跳才对
  [00:33.58]None of this. 不要这样
  [00:34.26]I don't wanna see none of that. 我不要看到那招
  [00:35.34]Don't need no pizza. They got food there. 不用做披萨,那里有食物了
  [00:46.58]Elbows, 6 inches from the waist, 90-degree angles. 手肘离腰十五公分,成九十度角
  [00:49.26]Don't you bite your lip. Stop it. 别咬嘴唇
  [01:11.06]Women relate dancing to sex, all right? 女人把跳舞跟性联想在一起
  [01:13.60]Even a great dancer can lose it with one of these. 就算舞林高手用这招也逊掉了
  [01:18.90]Okay, now that's what I need to be learning. 看着,这样跳就好
  [01:31.62]Can't stop it. 我忍不住
  [01:33.50]You cannot stop it. 停不下来
  [01:38.70]Next subject. 下一个主题
  [01:42.78]Get out. 出去
  [01:49.34]Thanks. 谢谢
  [01:50.02]So, are you a Knicks fan? 你是尼克队的球迷?
  [01:54.58]When they're good. 他们打得好的时候是
  [02:03.54]- I'm really sorry. - Oh, God. Why? 我很抱歉 怎么了?
  [02:05.42]她去了? 我有留言给你
  [02:07.90]My phone fell in the Hudson. 我的手机掉到河里了
  [02:11.98]Yeah, well, it gets worse. 还有更糟的
  [02:15.18]I don't believe this. 我真不敢相信
  [02:16.86]- I thought he was a bodyguard. - I'm the only one who will need protection. 我以为他是保镳 这下需要保护的是我了
  [02:22.22]- Max is gonna... - Gonna be really irritated. 麦克斯他… 要发飙了
  [02:25.38]When I got the train this morning, I thought it was gonna be a good day. 我今早搭车上班时 还在想今天会很顺利
  [02:28.26]Who the hell is Albert Brennaman? 亚伯特布列曼是谁?
  [02:31.26]- Tell me how this happened. - What? There were some photographers. 这是怎么回事? 什么?那里有一些摄影记者
  [02:35.62]Does this even look like dancing to you? 你这样子像是在跳舞吗?
  [02:36.50]That's just a little bit of me being me. 那是我在展现一点点的自我
  [02:38.62]No, that's you being a lot of something you don't need to ever be again. 不,那是你在做一些 你永远不能再做的事
  [02:46.06]One dance, one look, one kiss. That's all we get, Albert. 一支舞、一个眼神、一个吻 那是你仅有的机会
  [02:46.26]- It's just one dance. - No. 只不过是跳支舞嘛 不
  [02:52.86]Just one shot to make the difference... 一次就造成天壤之别…
  [02:54.94]between happily ever after and: 不是从此幸福快乐,就是…
  [02:56.90]"Oh, he's just some guy I went to some thing with once." “他只是个普通朋友而已”
  [03:03.30]All right? 知道吗?
  [03:09.02]- What? - You said "kiss." 怎样? 你刚刚说:“吻”
  [03:12.74]Is that a problem? 有问题吗?
  [03:16.38]It's not a problem, but this is Allegra Cole. 没问题,不过这是艾莉桂珂儿
  [03:18.30]Eight out of 10 women believe that the first kiss... 十个女人有八个相信初吻…
  [03:22.06]will tell them everything they need to know about a relationship. 能传达出两人关系的一切
  [03:25.62]And believe me, she has definitely thought about it. 相信我,她绝对有想过这件事
  [03:29.22]- She has? - Of course. 她想过? 当然
  [03:29.94]Not that she's gonna act on it. So it's no real big deal. 那并不表示她会主动 所以那没啥大不了的
  [03:36.46]- All right, it's no big deal then. - It's a very big deal! 那就没啥大不了 这非常重要!
  [03:36.86]- Huge. - Monumental! 很重要 超重要!
  [03:40.14]You are not listening... 你没注意听…
  [03:41.86]I need you to wrap your head around this. 注意听着
  [03:44.82]Tomorrow night, Allegra Cole... 明天晚上,艾莉桂…
  [03:48.38]could have her last first kiss. 会吻下她最后一个初吻
  [04:01.94]All right, come on, just show me what you got. 好了,让我看你会怎么做
  [04:04.60]- What do you mean? - Just show me how you would kiss me. 什么意思? 让我看你会怎么吻我
  [04:10.26]I wouldn't kiss you. 我才不会吻你
  [04:10.78]I'm not me, I'm Allegra. 我不是我,我是艾莉桂
  [04:16.02]But you're really not, so... 但你真的不是,所以我…
  [04:16.94]Okay, Albert, end of the night, you're dropping me off at home. 好,约会结束,你送我回家
  [04:21.38]- Show me the magic. - I'm not comfortable with this. 展现魔法吧 这样让我很不舒服
  [04:23.18]God, Albert, I had such a wonderful time with you. 天哪,我跟你一起玩得很愉快
  [04:28.98]Yeah, how about those Knicks? 尼克队打得不错吧?
  [04:30.66]You see what I'm doing? This is a signal. I'm fiddling with my keys. 看到我的动作了? 这是一个讯号,我在玩钥匙
  [04:34.34]A woman that doesn't want a kiss... 不想被吻的女人…
  [04:38.30]takes her keys out, puts them in the door, goes in the house. 会直接拿出钥匙开门进屋
  [04:41.02]A woman that wants to kiss, she fiddles. 女人喜欢玩着钥匙等人吻她
  [04:42.78]I'm fiddling. 我在玩钥匙
  [04:45.78]Okay, you have a good night now... 你很愉快,而我…
  [04:49.46]- You see what I'm doing? - Robbing me? 知道我在干嘛? 你要抢我?
  [04:49.82]No. 不是
  [04:52.42]This is what most guys do. They rush in to take the kiss. 一般男人都会这样 冲过去吻女人
  [04:55.82]But you're not most guys. 但你不是一般男人
  [04:56.30]See, the secret to a kiss is to go 90%% of the way... 亲吻的秘诀在于采取九成主动…
