英语听力:听电影学英语—换子疑云 11(在线收听

  [00:01.02]People are gonna want to know why we haven't found him. 人们会开始想,为什么我们没有找到那小子
  [00:02.10]Why we're not doing our job. 为什么我们连尽职尽责都做不到
  [00:04.98]But if, on the other hand, 相对的,如果
  [00:07.62]he is, or could be, among those poor boys killed up in Wineville, 他是,或者可能是死在怀恩威尔的可怜孩子之一
  [00:11.58]then the inquiries stop. 那么质疑的声音就不会出现
  [00:15.86]It's a momentary embarrassment 只是短暂的不愉快罢了
  [00:19.22]Better a short inconvenience 忍过这段糟糕的时间
  [00:19.42]you're just gonna have to live with. 你得自己担起来
  [00:22.34]than a lingering problem, wouldn't you say, Captain? 总比一直拖着问题好 你说呢,上尉?
  [00:25.26]The boy's been gone nearly a year. 那个孩子已经失踪快1年了
  [00:26.30]Yes, sir. 是,长官
  [00:26.98]If he was going to be found, it would've happened by now. 就算能找到他,现在也不是时候
  [00:30.94]Whether he was up at that ranch or not, 不管他是不是在那个农庄里
  [00:33.66]the truth is he probably is dead somewhere. 真相就是他可能死在别的地方了
  [00:33.74]Better his mother accept that now than later, don't you think? 最好他的母亲能马上知道这个消息,你说呢?
  [00:38.30]Yes, sir. Good. - 是,长官 - 很好
  [00:40.58]That'll be all, Captain. 就这样,上尉
  [00:44.90]That's how you want it, then I guess we're done here. 我们就照您所要求的去做 这事情就这样处理了
  [00:48.38]Tell county jail we're remanding him for trial. 跟地区监狱说,把他关押候审
  [00:49.34]Wait. I didn't do anything. I wasn't even here when it happened. 等等,我什么都没有做 事情发生的时候我根本不在场
  [00:54.62]By pretending to be Walter Collins, 假装自己是沃特·柯林斯
  [00:57.22]you're interfering in a police investigation of a kidnapping and murder. 你的所作所为干扰了警察对一宗 绑架谋杀案的调查
  [01:02.78]That's too bad. 太可惜了
  [01:05.78]County jail is a lot worse than a juvenile hall or a foster home. 地方监狱可比少管所和孤儿之家要惨多了
  [01:09.02]It's a lot worse. 糟糕得多
  [01:10.62]You can't do that. I'm just a kid. 你不能那么做 我还没有成年
  [01:15.66]Sanford Clark's a kid, too. 桑佛德·克拉克也是个孩子
  [01:18.06]Fifteen. He's going to jail. 15岁,他会进监狱
  [01:22.18]All murderers and their accomplices go to jail. Everybody knows that. 谋杀犯和他的同伙都要进监狱,这个道理大家都懂
  [01:26.70]Get him out of here. It's out of my hands now. 把他带出去,事情解决了
  [01:31.90]Wait. I don't want to go to jail. 等等,我不想进监狱
  [01:44.02]Prove it. 那就证明你无罪
  [01:46.50]I knew Los Angeles is where they make the Tom Mix movies. 我知道汤姆·米克斯是在洛杉矶拍的电影
  [01:46.78]I... 我…
  [01:51.34]I figured if I could meet Tom Mix 我就想,如果我能碰到汤姆·米克斯
  [01:53.18]maybe he would let me ride on his horse. 也许他会答应让我骑他的马
  [01:58.14]His horse is named Tony. Did you know that? 他的马叫做托尼,你知道不?
  [02:04.62]How are you feeling? 你觉得怎么样了?
  [02:07.50]All right. 还好
  [02:09.94]The police still have a car outside. 还有一辆警察的车停在外面
  [02:11.14]I guess they're waiting to see what your next move is going to be. 我猜他们是想知道你接下去要做什么?
  [02:16.14]I'm going home. And then? - 我要回家 - 然后呢?
  [02:17.14]Then, I've been giving it a lot of thought. 然后,我能想到很多事情
  [02:19.18]And what they did to those women, and what they did about Walter. 他们是怎么对待这些女人的 还有他们是怎么对待沃特的
  [02:25.66]I used to always tell him, "You never start a fight, but you always finish it. " 我一直教他,永远不要主动动手,但要保证自己赢
  [02:28.62]And I didn't start this fight, but I'm gonna finish it. 这次的事情不是我挑起来的,但是要由我来结束
  [02:32.62]Mrs. Collins, right now you're a sufficiently high profile that I think 柯林斯太太,你现在是个公众关注人物了
  [02:37.70]even the police would hesitate to go after you out in the open, 我想,现在警察就算想派人跟着你,也要考虑一下了
  [02:42.90]but I have to warn you that could change very quickly 但是我必须警告你,事情的变化很快
  [02:43.78]if they feel their position threatened. 如果他们觉得自己的位置受到了威胁
  [02:45.86]Very quickly indeed. 整个风向都会变,真的
  [02:49.54]What are they gonna do to me now? 他们现在想怎么对付我?
  [02:54.50]They got nothing. 他们没有证据
  [02:58.06]I'm going home. 我要回家了
  [03:12.10]加拿大,温哥华 1928年9月20日
  [03:24.10]Hi, sis. 嗨,姐姐
  [03:26.62]Gordon. 高顿
  [03:29.22]I didn't know you were back in town. 我都不知道你回来了
  [03:29.90]Yeah, I got in a couple of days ago, 嗯,我几天前就回来了
  [03:32.86]figured I'd surprise you. Is that... Is that okay? 我想给你个惊喜,没有…没有什么问题吧?
  [03:35.62]Yes. Yes, of course. Of course, come on in. 当然,当然没有 进来吧
  [03:41.38]Where's that little niece of mine? 我那个小侄女呢?
  [03:44.82]She went into town. 她进城里去了
  [03:47.66]Should be back this evening. 晚上应该能回来
  [03:47.90]Uh, Bob's here. 呃,鲍勃在
  [03:49.98]Oh, good. 哦,那好
  [03:51.54]Uh, I was gonna ask if I could stay on a couple days. 呃,我是想问你,我能不能在你这里待段时间
  [03:52.14]Staying? 你要住下?
  [03:55.02]Listen, can I use your bathroom? 我可不可以用下你的浴室
  [03:56.22]Yeah. 对
  [03:58.34]It's been a long ride and I could really use a shower. 我开了很久的车,想要好好洗个澡
  [04:00.62]Of course. Okay. - 当然可以 - 好
  [04:02.46]Thank you. 谢谢
  [04:20.18]All right, go next door. I'll call the police. Hurry. 没事的,去隔壁 我会给警察打电话的,快去
  [04:20.46]Is that... 他不是…
  [04:28.74]<i>Operator. How may I connect you?</i> 你好,需要我接什么号码吗?
  [04:31.82]He's upstairs, sir. 长官,他就在楼上
  [04:33.34]Go around the other side! Cut him off! 从另一边绕过去!截住他!
  [04:35.70]Come with me! Yes, sir. 跟我来! 是,长官
  [04:37.26]Let's go! 我们行动!
  [04:41.14]Mrs. Collins, I'd like you to meet my friend, Mr. Hahn. 柯林斯太太,我想请你见下我的朋友,哈恩先生
  [04:44.86]Mrs. Collins, my deepest condolences on your loss. 柯林斯太太,对于你的遭遇我表示深深的遗憾
  [04:50.10]May we come in? 我们能进来吗?
  [04:54.78]I appreciate the sentiment, 谢谢你的关心
  [04:56.66]but they've yet to find... 但是他们说…
  [04:59.86]To identify the remains as my son. 已经确认了我儿子的尸体
