英语听力:听电影学英语—换子疑云 14(在线收听

  [00:05.50]Escorted, thrown, the verb doesn't matter, Captain. 护送,强制,用什么样的动词都没有区别,上尉
  [00:10.90]What does matter is that her incarceration was ordered without a warrant. 问题在于她是在没有逮捕令的情况下被关押的
  [00:16.14]I am holding a carbon copy 我这里有一份洛杉矶州就克莉斯汀·柯林斯一案
  [00:18.14]of the affidavit of insanity that was issued in the case 下发的精神错乱鉴定证词
  [00:18.94]<i>of the State of California v. Christine Collins.</i> 的文件副本
  [00:23.98]Who signed the affidavit? 这份证词是谁签的字?
  [00:24.10]I did. 是我
  [00:25.78]Well, now, let me see if I have this correct, 好吧,那么让我看下这个说法对不对
  [00:27.58]a woman was thrown into the psychopathic ward without a warrant, 你们在没有逮捕令的情况下将一个女人关进精神病院里
  [00:33.26]because no warrant existed. 因为根本没有所谓的逮捕令存在
  [00:36.22]And when it was finally written several days later, 等到逮捕令写好已经是几天之后了
  [00:37.74]there was no need to sign it or to go to a judge 那时候她人已经被关进病院里去了
  [00:38.50]because she was already in the asylum! 也就不需要再签发或者向法官提交了
  [00:44.26]Is this correct, Captain? 是这样吧,上尉先生?
  [00:45.90]Technically, yes. 理论上来说,是的
  [00:48.26]Extraordinary steps were necessary because we were dealing... 有时候非常规手段是必须的,因为我们是在处理…
  [00:48.66]We were dealing with an extraordinary situation. 我们是在处理非常的事件
  [00:53.26]Now, is it our fault that we were being deceived 我们被一个自称是沃特·柯林斯的小鬼给骗了
  [00:55.34]by a boy who claimed to be Walter Collins? No. 这是我们的错吗?不是的
  [00:57.62]In light of his claims and her disturbing behavior, 光听孩子的话,再看她的奇怪表现
  [01:00.90]who wouldn't begin to think that there was something the matter with her? 谁会想到她说的是真的?
  [01:02.58]Because she questioned you? 因为她质疑了你?
  [01:03.98]No, because she wouldn't listen! 不是,是因为她不肯听我们说的!
  [01:07.06]Because she insisted on being obstinate! 是因为她表现地很顽固!
  [01:08.54]Because she tried to take matters into her own hand, 因为她不愿意相信我们这样的职业警察
  [01:12.74]best left to qualified officers! 而是固执地想把所有事情掌控起来
  [01:14.10]Because once civil disobedience starts... 而且,一旦涉及到公民不服从权…
  [01:15.18]Because she was fighting for the life of her son! 因为她在争夺自己儿子的生命!
  [01:17.70]A boy who may have still been alive 一个可能还活着的孩子
  [01:19.98]while you were wasting valuable time denying you had done anything wrong! 而你却在浪费宝贵的时间,拒绝承认自己做错了
  [01:28.62]And in the end 再之后
  [01:31.90]that's what happened, isn't it? 你的处理方法就是把她送进精神病院,对不对?
  [01:34.26]At some point, while all this was going on, 而同时,在这一切发生的同时
  [01:38.78]Walter Collins was brutally murdered, 沃特·柯林斯和其他的19个孩子一样
  [01:44.34]along with as many as 19 other boys 在怀恩威尔的诺斯考特农庄里
  [01:46.18]at the Northcott Ranch in Wineville. 被残忍的杀害了
  [01:52.06]Is that correct, Captain? 是不是这样,上尉?
  [01:55.26]Yes, it is. 是的
  [01:58.22]It's a travesty. 这就是所谓的公正么?
  [02:06.42]No further questions. 我没有问题了
  [02:23.30]<i>Train number 14, now boarding on track...</i> 14号列车已经进站,请旅客们上车
  [02:25.58]So, after much effort, we were able to identify this boy, 那么,通过一番努力,我们终于能够确认
  [02:29.34]who's been responsible for so much trouble lately, 这个之前给我们惹来不少麻烦的孩子的身份了
  [02:33.86]as Arthur Hutchins of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 他是爱荷华州锡达拉皮兹的亚瑟·赫金斯
  [02:36.58]Between this, and the arrest of the man suspected of murdering 此外,我们已经将涉嫌谋杀
  [02:40.90]the real Walter Collins, 真正的沃特·柯林斯的嫌犯逮捕了
  [02:42.10]we've cleared up two of the biggest mysteries in the history of Los Angeles. 我们解开了洛杉矶史上最大的两个谜团
  [02:46.46]I hope you gentlemen of the press will give 我希望媒体的各位先生们
  [02:46.54]as much space to the good things we do 能够不吝版面帮我们的功绩做些宣传
  [02:49.06]as the mistakes that are made on rare occasions. 不要过分关注某些罕见情况造成的小失误
  [02:50.62]Gentlemen, allow me to introduce you 先生们,请允许我们向各位介绍
  [02:55.22]to the boy's real mother, Mrs. Janet Hutchins. 孩子真正的母亲简奈特·赫金斯太太
  [02:58.26]Arthur. 亚瑟
  [02:58.54]I hope he wasn't too much trouble for you. 但愿他没有给你们添太多麻烦
  [03:01.78]Oh, no, not at all. 哦,没有,一点也没有
  [03:03.26]How about a photograph, fellas? 伙计,来张合照?
  [03:09.34]One more. 再来张
  [03:11.22]Mrs. Collins, the woman he was staying with, wanted him to have these. 这是柯林斯太太,亚瑟一直和她呆在一起 她希望你能收下这些东西
  [03:15.86]They're the clothes she let him wear. 这是她给他穿的衣服
  [03:16.14]Well, thank you. 谢谢你
  [03:17.58]Isn't that nice, Arthur? 亚瑟,她真是个好人对吧?
  [03:21.94]Tell the nice officer, "Thank you. " 向好心的长官说声谢谢
  [03:22.70]I don't want them. Give them to somebody else. 我不要这些东西,给别人吧
  [03:25.98]Precocious little fellow, isn't he? 这孩子真老成,不是吗?
  [03:26.78]It's not my fault. It's the police. 这不是我的错,都是警察的错
  [03:30.26]They said I was Walter Collins, not me! It wasn't my idea! 他们说我是沃特·柯林斯的,不是我要说的 不是我的主意!
  [03:33.06]Not my idea! Get... 不是我的主意! 上…
  [03:36.18]Yeah. Go blame the police for your own mistakes. 是啊,去怪警察吧
  [03:37.22]We've seen a lot of that lately, haven't we? 我们已经见多不怪了,不是吗?
  [03:40.14]Take care now, Arthur! Safe travels. 照顾好自己,亚瑟! 路上小心
  [03:44.58]All right, fellas, that's it for today. 好了,伙计们 今天就到此结束了
  [03:47.78]Sir, sir! What did the boy mean by that? 先生,先生!那个孩子是什么意思?
  [03:49.78]It was March 10th, and I came home from work, 3月10号那天,我下班回家
  [03:52.18]and my nine-year-old son, Walter, was gone. 发现我九岁的孩子沃特不见了
  [03:54.94]Captain Jones was acting on information he believed to be correct. 琼斯上尉一直认定他知道的信息才是对的
  [03:58.14]Walter Collins had a diastema, also known as a diastema. 沃特·柯林斯的牙齿间有裂缝 又叫做齿隙
  [04:03.98]That child was never in my classroom. 那个孩子从来没有进过我的教室
  [04:04.50]I can certainly attest to that. 我可以百分之百确定
  [04:04.90]We rely on our good friends in the police department 我们希望警察局的好心人们
  [04:09.66]to point to us those people who exhibit behavior 能告诉我们,是谁做出了
  [04:13.22]which is socially unacceptable. 这种社会不容的决定
  [04:15.42]About four inches shorter than the last mark of Walter. 他比沃特上次量的身高矮了差不多4英寸
  [04:20.26]Well, some of these pictures show 这些照片能够证明
  [04:24.66]what Sanford Clark told me, 桑佛德·克拉克之前告诉我的
  [04:26.62]that he did in fact help in the murder of these children. 他的确参与杀害了这些孩子
  [04:29.30]Thank you, Detective. 谢谢你,警探先生
  [04:32.58]I ask you to take a good look at these images. 我想请你们好好看下这些照片
  [04:33.34]Gentlemen of the jury, 陪审团的众位
  [04:34.90]They establish beyond any reasonable doubt 它们能够说明这些十恶不赦的罪行
  [04:39.46]the circumstances and the nature of these heinous crimes. 的的确确发生在我们眼前
  [04:54.50]I'm in here, Reverend. 我在这儿,牧师先生
