英语听力文摘 English Digest 156、儿童新闻(在线收听

  Hi there, I'm Sonali from the BBC World News for Children Team. It's Friday the 4th of June.
  Coming up.....
  McDonald's has pulled Shrek glasses over health fears.
  There's been a massive fire in Bangladesh.
  And Stosur reaches the French Open final in style....
  CLIP: "What a way to do it!"
  Our top story today is that McDonald's customers, in America, are being told not use Shrek drinking glasses because of fears that they could be bad for people's health. The fast food restaurant chain has been selling the glasses - which feature different characters from the hit movie - to promote the new Shrek film. But now they're concerned because the paint on them contains a toxic metal. McDonald's have stopped selling them - 12 million glasses have been recalled.
  Next - more than a hundred people have been killed in a huge fire in the capital of Bangladesh in South Asia. The blaze happened in one of the most crowded, built up areas of Dhaka and it spread quickly through shops and houses. It's thought that the fire started when an electricity transformer blew up.
  More of the days news now and it's been confirmed that Liverpool Manager - Rafa Benitez - is leaving the Reds after 6 years in charge. It's rumoured he was given millions of dollars to leave the club. Liverpool secured some big wins under Benitez, but they haven't been performing as well recently. Even so - former Liverpool midfielder Jamie Redknapp didn't see it coming.......
  CLIP: "I mean it's a surprise - I have to be honest. It's certainly a brave decision for Liverpool. I think there's still a large element of Liverpool fans that really do like Rafa and respect him. And you have to look - he won the Champions League, he won the FA Cup. So, to a certain extent he was a success. But unfortunately, at the moment, the team isn't going in the right direction."
  The club is now looking for someone to take over as manager.
  Now to Japan where the country has a new Prime Minister - it's fifth in three years. Naoto Kan - who's the former Finance Minister - takes over from Yukio Hatoyama. Hatoyama lost support after he broke an election promise to move an unpopular American military base that's on a Japanese soil.
  And looking ahead to the weekend. It's the final of the women's singles at the French Tennis Open. Australia's Sam Stosur will face Italian - Francesca Schiavone. Stosur stormed into her first grand slam final, after beating fourth seed Jelena Jankovic in 60 minutes.
  CLIP: "What a way to do it! Such ease, such composure."
  Stotsur followed up earlier wins over favourites Justine Henin and Serena Williams. While her competitor Schianove is the first Italian woman to reach a Grand Slam final. So an exiting match ahead!
