英语听力:听电影学英语—大喜之日 06(在线收听

  [00:05.92](Clears throat)
  [00:09.40]The part where you were a sexual surrogate and then started to... 关于你以性做代理的部分,后来你开始...
  [00:15.48]branch out, is... 越做越大,是...
  [00:18.36]Is that really how it happened? 是真的吗?
  [00:20.32]The real story - my mother was a hippie, and a stripper. 真实情况是 - 我母亲是个嬉皮士,还是个脱衣舞女.
  [00:26.32]she washed her lingerie in my bath water while I was still in it. 她在我洗澡时用我的洗澡水洗她的内衣
  [00:26.40]She was insanely inappropriate with me, 她和我格格不入,
  [00:30.96]Oh. 哦.
  [00:31.76]So as an adult, I needed to find ways to experience intimacy and sex 所以作为成人, 我要想尽办法体会性爱
  [00:35.92]- but with rules that couldn't be violated. - Wow. - 但我不会违反规矩. - 哇.
  [00:41.04]I'm just screwing with you. 我骗你的.
  [00:46.48]You shit. 屁话.
  [00:50.60]OK, this part. 好, 这部分.
  [00:51.84]You say, and I quote, 你说, 我引用,
  [00:53.12]"Every woman has the exact love life she wants." "每个女人都会得到她想要的真爱"
  [00:56.80]That seems a broad generalization... Oh! 好像有点太概括了...噢!
  [01:10.76]Oh. 噢.
  [01:12.04]Do you honestly believe that I want to be single and miserable? 你真的相信我想一个人悲伤?
  [01:16.68]Do you think that I want to be hung up on some guy who led me on for years 认为我希望整天想念着一个牵着我几年
  [01:21.48]and out of the blue shattered my heart? 最后意外地让我心碎的人?
  [01:24.24]First of all, there's no such thing as out of the blue. 首先,这个世界没有"意外"这回事.
  [01:28.64]And second of all, yeah. 其次,你说的没错.
  [01:32.64]- What? - When you're ready to let go, - 什么? - 当你准备好,
  [01:33.92]to be un-single and un-miserable, 不孤单不悲伤,
  [01:36.28]you will. 你会的.
  [01:39.40]Till then... 直到那时...
  [01:42.44]So when you were talking to Jeffrey before, 那么当你和Jeffrey聊天时,
  [01:45.32]how did he sound? 他听起来怎么样?
  [01:47.32]Like a harmless, self-absorbed toolbox. 像个无害,自恋的工具箱.
  [01:51.68]Seriously. 严肃点.
  [01:54.16]He sounded tormented. 他听起来在受煎熬.
  [01:59.24]Tormented? How? 煎熬? 什么样?
  [02:03.12]Like he's... 比如他...
  [02:05.64]jealous that I'm here with someone else, or like... 嫉妒我和其他人在一起,还是像...
  [02:08.28]he regrets throwing away our life together? 他后悔毁掉了我们的生活?
  [02:21.72]It's just that... 只是事情...
  [02:24.08]this hasn't really turned out the way that I thought it would. 事情还没有按我想象的方式发生
  [02:36.76]Hey, Nick. 嘿, Nick.
  [02:41.00]Oh-oh-oh! 呜-呜!
  [02:52.44]He seems more mature. 他好象更成熟.
  [02:55.60]Run, you fat tart! Come on. 跑快点,胖墩儿!快点.
  [02:57.20](The Chiffons, One Fine Day)
  [03:00.88]Shoo be do be do be do be do wop wop, shoo be do be do be do be do wop wop
  [03:05.88]Come on, throw it. Throw it! 快点,扔过来.扔过来!
  [03:09.16]You'll look at me, and even though I know...
  [03:12.92]- Well played, darling. - Ed! - 打得好, 亲爱的. - Ed!
  [03:15.72]What? 什么?
  [03:15.76]One fine day... - 你准备好了吗, TJ? - 少废话.
  [03:17.68]- Are you ready, TJ? - Bugger off.
  [03:21.28]You're gonna want me for your girl Shoo be do be do be do be do wop wop
  [03:23.92]Oh, yeah
  [03:26.72]All right, batter, batter. 好的, 打击手.
  [03:28.84]The arms I long for will open wide Shoo be do be do be do be do wop wop
  [03:33.28]And you'll be proud to have me Shoo be do be do be do be do wop wop
  [03:34.96]Right by your side Shoo be do be do be do be do wop wop
  [03:37.44]One fine day
  [03:41.32]You're gonna want me for your girl Shoo be do be do be do be do wop wop
  [03:46.64]- Move back. - Yeah. - 退回去 - 好的
  [03:48.48]Though I know you're the kind of boy...
  [03:53.64]- Who only wants to run around - Batter up. - 打好点儿.
  [03:54.28](Nick) Come on, Kat. 加油, Kat.
  [03:59.92]- (Nick) You're up, Kat. - I'll be waiting... - 到你了, Kat.
  [04:00.40](Amy) Go, Kat. 加油, Kat.
  [04:04.04]Someday, darling, you'll come to me
  [04:08.36]When you want to settle down, oh!
  [04:10.48]Be nice to me, Jeffrey. 对我好点儿, Jeffrey.
  [04:12.64]One fine day, we'll meet once more Shoo be do be do be do be do wop wop
  [04:16.84]- Out! - Yes! - 出局! - 好球!
  [04:20.60]One fine day...
  [04:24.68]Lose the game. 输了这个球.
  [04:26.80]You're gonna want me for your girl
  [04:36.60]No! 不!
  [04:38.28]- Come on! - Edward. - 快点! - Edward.
  [04:42.84]Come on! 快点!
  [04:44.44]Come on, you sexy little monkey. Come on! 快点, 性感小猴子.快点!
  [04:52.12]- You're supposed to be helping. - Oh, trust me. I am. - 你应该帮我的 - 噢, 相信我. 我在帮你.
  [04:53.08]One fine day, oh yeah One fine day
  [04:58.80]You're gonna want me for your girl One fine day
  [05:00.20]One fine day Oh yeah
