英语听力:听电影学英语—大喜之日 07(在线收听

  [00:02.24]One fine day
  [00:18.08](Smacks lips)
  [00:22.20](Nick) What's with the socks? (Kat) It's a golf-themed bachelorette. 那双袜子干嘛的? 这表示未婚少女的意思.
  [00:27.60]Have you ever done a wedding before? 你以前陪护过婚礼吗?
  [00:30.52]No, but I have done funerals. 没,但我陪护过葬礼.
  [00:32.40]An escort at a funeral? Someone's dead. 葬礼里的陪护?有人去世了.
  [00:33.96]Yeah, imagine facing that alone. 没错,想象一下独自面对的心情.
  [00:37.28]Ah. Catch. 嘿. 接着.
  [00:40.24]Make sure he stays on the right side of the road. 确定他在路正确(右)的那边儿开车.
  [00:42.60]- Which is, of course, the left. - That's right. - 当然,也就是左边. - 没错(右边).
  [00:47.56](Kat) So, are you ever attracted to your clients? 你的客户曾被你吸引住过吗?
  [00:52.08]I know you're curious about my business but I really can't discuss other clients. 我知道你对我的业务很好奇, 但我真的不能谈其他客户.
  [00:55.04]Come on! How many of them want to sleep with you? 得了吧! 她们中有多少想和你睡觉的?
  [01:00.28]You know, I swear it's not about the sex. 你知道的,我发誓, 我的工作不是关于性的.
  [01:05.20]It's about understanding what people need. 是关于理解人们需要什么.
  [01:07.84]Please! You're like the Yoda of escorts. 求你了!你有点像陪护的Yoda大师(星战).
  [01:11.56]Getting you on the phone was harder than getting into college. 要在电话上找到你 比上大学还要难
  [01:14.40]- No, I don't play games. No gimmicks. - Mm-hm. - 不,我不是在玩游戏,没有把戏. - 嗯-嗯.
  [01:18.20]It's much more... 那要更...
  [01:22.80]Subtle? 微妙?
  [01:25.44]It's not about me. 现在不是说我,
  [01:29.84]It's about you. 是在说你.
  [01:33.00]Show me. 示范一下.
  [01:38.88]Come on. 快点.
  [01:40.48]Hmm... What's holding me back? 嗯..知道什么在阻止我吗?
  [01:43.64]I think it's the words "morally repugnant". 我觉得是"道德上的矛盾"那句话.
  [01:47.24]Show me. 示范.
  [01:56.88]Close your eyes. 闭上眼睛.
  [02:00.16]Close your eyes. 闭上眼睛.
  [02:06.80]Close your eyes. 闭上眼睛.
  [02:16.84]You're safe, you can relax. 你很安全,你可以尽量放松.
  [02:20.00]I'm not gonna kiss you. 我不会吻你.
  [02:25.92]He's gonna be so sorry he lost you. 失去你他会十分伤心.
  [02:31.84]So, stop worrying. 所以, 别担心.
  [02:35.52]Forget the past. 忘掉过去.
  [02:37.84]Forget the pain. 忘掉痛苦.
  [02:42.52]And remember... 还有就是记住...
  [02:44.88]what an incredible woman you are. 你是一个多么令人惊讶的女人.
  [02:51.76]If you do that, 如果你这样做,
  [02:54.60]he'll realize what he lost. 他才会认识到自己丢了什么.
  [03:04.60]Holy crap! 见鬼!
  [03:05.24]You're won'th every penny. 你真是物超所值呀.
  [03:13.52]- You should get going. - Mm-hm. - 你该进去了. - 嗯.
  [03:16.76]OK, Yoda. 好的, Yoda大师.
  [03:32.28](Women whooping and laughing)
  [03:32.80](KC And The Sunshine Band: Boogie Shoes) 为了Amy!
  [03:35.68]- To Amy! - (AII cheer)
  [03:38.76]Girl, to be with you is my favorite thing
  [03:47.48]I thought you might need this. 我认为你可能需要这个.
  [03:50.08]Silly me. Where was my head? 我真笨.我都想什么了?
  [03:52.40]- Bye. - Listen, why don't you stay - 一会儿见. - 听着,你为什么不留下来
  [03:55.88]- and have a little fiery drink with us, eh? - Uh... - 和我们喝杯烧酒,啊? - 哦,我不能...
  [03:57.56]- It's fine. - Come on. - 没事的. - 行了.
  [03:59.72](TJ) You know you want to! 你知道你想这样的!
  [04:01.80]- Oh, I can see why. - (Woman) You're lovely. - 哦,我能看出来原因了. - 你好可爱.
  [04:04.00]Isn't he lovely? Have you smelt him? 他不可爱吗?你闻过他吗?
  [04:08.48]He smells lovely! 他闻起来的确可爱!
  [04:10.60]Can you believe Kat gets to shag this guy? 你能相信是Kat追上这个人的吗?
  [04:12.96]No, really, you should send God a bottle of wine or a quiche or something. 不相信,你得给上帝送瓶酒,甜饼干什么的.
  [04:22.88]Look at those buns. Fresh from the bakery. 看看这些面包, 绝对刚出炉那么新鲜
  [04:27.36]It must feel great getting paid just for being you. 这么轻松就可以有钱拿一定很爽吧.
  [04:31.28]- Who says I'm being me? - Excuse me. - 谁说我很轻松? - 打搅一下.
  [04:32.04]Amy, thank you for granting me a rare glimpse into a timeless female ritual. Amy, 谢谢你同意我往女子聚会里瞥了一眼.
  [04:37.80]Here's to the husbands who've won you, the losers who've lost you 干了这杯, 为了赢得你们的丈夫们,失去你们的输家,
  [04:40.36]and the lucky bastards who've yet to meet you. 和将要遇见你们的幸运儿们.
  [04:44.64]And to the cock in the henouse. 还为了母鸡屋里的公鸡.
  [04:52.04]- (TJ whoops) - (AII laugh)
  [04:57.20](AII cheering)
