英语听力:听电影学英语—大喜之日 10(在线收听

  [00:05.68]Only you have that magic technique
  [00:09.28]When we sway I go weak
  [00:12.36]I can hear the sound of violins
  [00:17.24]Long before it begins
  [00:21.80]Make me thrill as only you know how
  [00:23.56]Sway me smooth, sway me now
  [00:28.76]Like a flower bending in the breeze
  [00:31.12]Bend with me, sway with ease
  [00:34.28]When we dance you have a way with me
  [00:39.68]Stay with me, sway with me
  [00:44.24]Like a flower bending in the breeze
  [00:47.36]Bend with me, sway with ease
  [00:50.92]When we dance you have a way with me
  [00:56.68]When I told you I'd never done a wedding before, 我之前告诉你我从来没陪护过婚礼,
  [00:59.96]it wasn't because I'd never been asked. 我说不并不是因为从来没人要求过.
  [01:04.32]I'd just never said yes. 我只是从来没答应过.
  [01:07.92]Why'd you say yes to me? 为什么你要答应我?
  [01:13.36]There was something in your voice on the phone that day. 那天你电话里你的声音有点什么.
  [01:17.24]Desperation? 绝望?
  [01:22.64]I think it was hope. 我觉得是希望.
  [01:24.52]Get a move on, you lovebirds. I'm getting married in the morning. 要走了,小鸟们. 我今天上午要结婚了.
  [01:54.72]- Ah, hello, Bambi. - Darling, please don't do that. - 阿,你好,Bambi. - 亲爱的,求你别这样.
  [02:05.08]Oh, wow. 噢, 哇.
  [02:10.24]That's a big bed. 这张床真大.
  [02:26.56]You know what pisses me off? 你知道吗?
  [02:29.92]I've been spilling my guts all weekend and I don't know anything about you. 整个周末都在谈论我的事情 但我对你还是一无所知.
  [02:37.56]I'm allergic to fabric softener. 我对衣物柔化剂过敏.
  [02:38.08]I'm majoring in comparative literature at Brown. I hate anchovies. 我在布朗大学读比较文学. 我不爱吃凤尾鱼.
  [02:45.04]I think I'd miss you even if we'd never met. 我觉得即使我从没有见过你也会想你的.
  [02:56.96]Come on! 快点!
  [03:02.04](Ed) I'm a little concerned... I'm just... It makes me nervous... 我有点... 我只是...这让我紧张...
  [03:07.88](TJ) You know, I might just call you. 你知道吗,我刚才差点要看你的牌了.
  [03:12.80]But if I did, I would lose, because my hand is complete shite. 但如果我那么做,我肯定输, 因为我满手都是臭牌.
  [03:14.36]Ohhh. 呵.
  [03:19.24]There's gotta be something wrong with him. 他一定有什么毛病.
  [03:19.52]- I'm in. - Come on. - 我跟. - 行了.
  [03:22.60]I bet his thingy bends, doesn't it? Got a little kink in it. 我打赌他那玩意能弯曲,对吧? 还能打结.
  [03:27.36]Oh, no, don't tell me. It's bloody perfect. 噢,不,别告诉我. 这太完美了.
  [03:30.84]I'm going to see you. 我要看你的牌.
  [03:34.12]Looky, looky here. 瞧瞧这.
  [03:37.44]A full house. 我是三带二.
  [03:38.48]Oh-ho-ho! 喔-喔!
  [03:41.12]Has anyone seen my future wife? She'll kill me if I don't serve her first. 有谁看见我未来的妻子了吗? 如果我不先给她拿吃的她会杀了我的.
  [03:45.28]Have you guys ever had a real honest-to-God fight, ever? 你们干过真架吗?
  [03:50.44]- Yes, of course. - Yeah, right. - 是的,当然. - 好的, 没错.
  [03:51.72]Well, apparently, makeup sex is the best kind. 不过,显然做爱就是最好的一种.
  [03:56.28]Not that I'm ever going to find out. 如果不是的话我会不断去找的.
  [03:58.40]- Give me that! - (Shouting) - 把那个给我!
  [04:00.20]- Come on! - No, no! - 得了! - 不,不!
  [04:03.04]- Don't! - Come on! - 不行! - 得了!
  [04:05.16](Shouting and laughter)
  [04:08.84]You seem to have a way with women. 你好象对付女人有一手,
  [04:13.48]Why don't you go and rustle up the bride? Get her to join the party. 你干嘛不去把新娘找出来让她加入到聚会里?
  [04:19.48](Amy) Why are you bringing this up now? I love Ed. 我什么你现在才提出来? 我爱 Ed.
  [04:24.64]- What do you want from me? - I want you to tell me... - 你到底要我怎么样? - 我要你告诉我...
  [04:32.08]Blue shirt or... white shirt for the, er, rehearsal dinner? 穿蓝衬衫还是...白衬衫 参加排练晚餐.
  [04:41.92]Sorry to interrupt. 对不起打扰了.
  [04:44.52]Your dad sent me. 你父亲派我来的.
  [04:45.52]What for? 目的是...?
  [04:48.28]To make sure you're OK. 确认你还好.
  [04:57.96]Kat, could I have a word? It'll only take a moment. Kat,能跟你说句话吗? 就一分钟.
  [04:59.80]Let me think. You stole seven years of her life with your bullshit and your charm 让我想想.你花言巧语的夺去了她七年的青春
