英语听力-听电影学英语:一夜大肚 07(在线收听

   [00:02.02]He can barely get in and out of that little house. 他连进出那个小屋都有困难
  [00:04.34]Imagine how much bigger he's gonna get. 想象一下他以后会肥成什么样
  [00:06.50]That means he has bad genes. 这意味着他基因不好
  [00:09.70]Your kid is gonna be overweight. 你们的孩子也会很肥的
  [00:09.90]Shit. 糟糕
  [00:12.50]I'm gonna get you! 我要抓住你们!
  [00:15.18]I'm gonna get... 我要抓住...
  [00:18.22]Just give him a break. 饶了他吧
  [00:23.90]Okay. I'll try. 好吧 我尽量
  [00:33.06]They seem to love bubbles. 他们好像很喜欢玩泡泡
  [00:34.42]Oh, God. They go ape shit over bubbles. 天啊 他们玩泡泡玩疯了
  [00:38.22]They're really going ape shit. 他们真的好喜欢泡泡
  [00:39.90]I mean, that's an incredible thing about a child. 孩子们就是这么不可思议
  [00:42.30]I mean, what's so great about bubbles? 我们看来 泡泡有什么好玩的
  [00:44.50]I get it. I get it. 我可以理解
  [00:45.58]They float. You can pop them. I mean,  它们飘来飘去 你可以戳爆它们
  [00:46.66]I wish I liked anything as much  希望我能像孩子们爱泡泡一样
  [00:48.30]as my kids like bubbles. 对任何事情都有激情
  [00:50.62]That's sad. It's totally sad. - 真可悲 - 就是啊
  [00:54.34]Their smiling faces just point out  他们的欢笑脸影射出了
  [00:54.50]your inability to enjoy anything.  你无法享受任何事物的悲哀
  [00:59.38]Am I gonna be okay, man? 我不会有事的吧?
  [01:01.86]Oh, who knows? 谁知道呢?
  [01:04.86]Is anybody okay? I'm not okay. 有人没事吗? 反正我有事
  [01:08.06]You're asking the wrong guy. 你问错人了
  [01:08.62]Just don't ask me to lend you any money, you know? 别问我借钱就行了 知道吧?
  [01:12.30]Can I just have some? 那不借咯 你送点儿给我行吗?
  [01:14.10]No. 不行
  [01:20.38]I have 15 years of tennis lessons. 乒乓球我可是研究了15年的
  [01:22.70]And 12 years of sucking dick lessons. 而且还研究了12年的含鸡巴技巧
  [01:24.30]So? 怎样?
  [01:26.10]I can't ref the next games, by the way. 下盘我当不了裁判了
  [01:27.30]I got to go meet gynecologists with Allison. 要和艾丽森去看妇科医生
  [01:31.62]She doesn't like her gynecologist. 她不喜欢原来那个医生
  [01:33.50]JAY: You think she likes you? She's trying to. - 你觉得她喜欢你吗? - 她在努力
  [01:35.10]She's entertaining the idea of liking you. Exactly. I'll take that. - 她已经开始喜欢你了 - 对 我接受这种看法
  [01:38.14]Yeah, well, see, she's bringing you to the gynaechiatrist. 是啊 看吧 她还带你去看妇科医生
  [01:42.02]She must like you. Yeah. Pretty good, I think. - 她一定喜欢你 - 是啊 我觉得还好
  [01:43.50]is that Felicity Huffman, man. 菲丽西提 霍夫曼
  [01:45.22]You know who I'd like to get pregnant 知道我想把谁搞大肚吗?
  [01:47.58]Ever since Transamerica,  自从看完"穿越美国"之后
  [01:48.34]I can't get her out of my mind.  我一直无法忘却她
  [01:48.58]Okay, guys. I hate to crack the whip, 各位 不是我想扫大家的兴
  [01:51.78]but it's kind of business meeting time. 但现在是商业时间
  [01:54.74]I need moolah. 我缺钱花了
  [01:56.90]When do you think we can launch this site? Jeez. 网站什么时候才能运转起来?
  [01:59.50]Look, man. You can't rush this. 老兄 这事急不得
  [02:00.42]You know what happens to these sites when they go up 有些网站被草草的发布
  [02:01.62]and they don't function well? They die. 但运作不佳 就挂掉了
  [02:02.58]Seriously, guys 严肃点 大伙儿们
  [02:05.30]let's say I want to launch today. 假设今天就让它运作起来
  [02:07.98]Let's start. Let's use that as a jumping off point. 现在就开始  以此作为一个重要的转折点
  [02:10.46]Let's make this happen. What can we do? 要让它成功该怎么做呢?
  [02:12.98]Look, man, I didn't go to Yale  我去读耶鲁可不是
  [02:13.34]so I could work 12 hours a day. 为了一天干12个小时的活儿
  [02:14.30]I thought you went to Santa Monica City College. 你读的不是圣莫尼卡城市学院吗?
  [02:15.62]I went where I went, Jason. 我就是耶鲁的 骗你干嘛
  [02:19.14]BEN: I'm not asking you to work 12 hours a day. 我没要你一天做12个小时
  [02:21.02]I mean, you guys watch movies without nudity in them. 你们还可以看没露点的电影啊
  [02:22.86]I'll tell you what, man. We could probably get it online in three months. 我觉得可以在三个月内 让网站上线
  [02:25.58]Thank you. Yes! Three months. 谢谢你 很好 三个月
  [02:26.54]JONAH: Come on, Jason! 来啊 杰森
  [02:31.42]Yeah, well, you still have a little dick, Cartman. 哇 还有点儿本事嘛 蛋散
  [02:34.10]Do you have mints? Yeah, right there. - 有薄荷糖吗? - 有 在那儿
  [02:38.42]I see what you're saying. Totally. 我完全明白你的意思
  [02:40.30]I don't get how you're comfortable 和这些家伙一起怎么
  [02:40.70]with any of these guys  可能会放心得起来
  [02:42.30]when they're doing what they're doing to you. 特别是他们给你做检查时
  [02:43.38]First guy... 第一次那个家伙...
  [02:46.34]Oh, there that shit is. I've been looking for that. 噢 原来在这儿 我找得好苦啊
  [02:48.70]he gave me this look like,   那表情似乎在说
  [02:48.82]The first guy, when he put his finger in 第一次那家伙 当他把手指插进去时
  [02:51.94]"Sorry, man, it's the job" and I'm like "抱歉 工作需要" 然后我就想
  [02:53.50]"Don't look at me when your finger's..."  "你手指在干那个时别望着我呀"
  [02:56.82]I mean, get in and get out. 赶紧把事情办完
  [02:57.50]Get on with your day, you know? 然后该干嘛干嘛去 知道吧?
  [02:59.06]That's the closest I'll ever  我觉得这是我最接近
  [02:59.54]come to being in a threesome, I think. 玩3P的经验了
  [03:01.86]Really? 真的吗?
  [03:03.54]If you had to do a threesome with me and one of my other roommates, 如果你要跟我 还有我一个室友玩3P
  [03:04.66]who would it be? 你会选谁?
  [03:08.34]Um... 恩...
  [03:09.02]I'm gonna have to go with Jay. 我想我会选杰森
  [03:10.42]Oh, no. 不是吧
  [03:11.70]I'm really turned on by his sort of skinny awkwardness 他那瘦瘦的身子还有那个发型
  [03:12.78]Yeah. Jay? - 恩 - 杰森?
  [03:15.78]and his hot little Mohawk. His Mohawk. - 让我感到很性奋 - 他那个莫霍克发型
  [03:18.26]You two are never allowed to be in the same room ever again. 你们俩以后不准独处一室
  [03:22.86]If we ever had a threeway with Jay 要是真的和杰森玩3P的话
  [03:24.30]you turn around, he'd be sucking my dick. 你转身会发现他在添我老二
  [03:25.62]Do you smoke cigarettes? No. - 你吸烟吗? - 不吸
  [03:26.82](ALLISON LAUGHING) I'm telling you right now. 现在就先说好
  [03:29.78]Do you smoke cigarettes? 你吸烟吗?
  [03:31.86]I have on occasion. 偶尔才抽
  [03:34.86]On occasion? When? When was the last time you had one cig? 偶尔? 什么时候?  上次抽是什么时候?
  [03:35.18]You know, one, you know, little... 知道吧 一小口也算...
  [03:38.34]I need to know, or I will not be your doctor. 我需要了解 不然我就做不了你的医生
  [03:43.10]I'm breathing like James Gandolfini over here. 我气喘得跟詹姆斯 甘多费尼那样
  [03:47.30]Slow down, man. You're making me look like a jackass. 慢点儿 伙计 你让我看上去像个傻逼
  [03:50.34]How long you kids been married? 你们结婚多久了?
  [03:51.38]We're not. No. - 还没有结 - 没有
  [03:53.86]You're single? 你单身?
  [03:55.14]She's not single. She's just not married. 她不是单身  只不过是还没结婚罢了
  [03:55.90]Are you two together? 你们俩是一对儿?
  [03:59.98]Hey, you wanna trade boyfriends? 嘿 想交换男友吗?
  [04:03.66]Just kidding. Kind of. 开玩笑的
  [04:11.62]That is not your vagina. That's your asshole. 那不是你的阴道 而是屁眼
  [04:13.60]That happens about five times a day. 总是搞错 唉
  [04:19.02]Are you sure you don't wanna come paintballing? 真的不和我们一起打彩弹吗?
  [04:20.62]Have fun, guys. Seriously. Watch the eyes. 玩得开心点儿 保护好眼睛
  [04:20.86]See you, guys. JASON: See you, Ally. Bye. - 回头见 - 回头见 艾利森
  [04:25.34]I don't wanna go. I swear to God. 我真的不想去  我发誓
  [04:27.06]I wanna see Breathless at the LACMA. 我想看"精疲力尽"
  [04:32.42]Boobs! Boobs, boobs, boobs! 大胸脯大胸脯!
  [04:34.30]Boobs and bush! Boobs and bush. 露三点了
  [04:34.42]Hold on, pause it, pause it, pause it. 暂停 暂停!
  [04:37.86]Good boobs. Those are good ones! - 漂亮哦 - 真不错!
  [04:38.90]We're like 35 seconds in. Nice. 35秒处 很好
  [04:40.38]Right in the beginning credits. Credit bush. 开场就露三点了
  [04:42.14]You never get opening credit bush.  - 开场就露下体很少见哦
  [04:45.30]I know. That's so crazy.  我知道 真难以置信
  [04:45.42]No. 别
  [04:47.62]You got me. 你们赢了
  [04:49.50]You got me. 你们赢了
  [04:51.78]How many doctors are there in your practice? 你们这儿有多少个医生?
  [04:54.46]Just 'cause I'm sort of looking for a more personal experience. 我想找个专门照顾我的医生
  [04:55.98]I wanna make sure that you're my doctor on the day, and... 他能在我分娩的那天也在
  [04:59.82]Yeah, I understand. 我明白
