英语听力:听电影学英语—新美国梦 08(在线收听

  [00:01.60]That's it there. You see? 就是这样,你知道了吗?
  [00:04.44]I could be wrong... 我可能错了…
  [00:08.52]but I haven't felt the baby move for a couple of weeks. 但我有两个星期没有感觉到比比的存在了
  [00:23.96]It's serious. 这很严重
  [00:31.88]This baby will not go full term. 比比不能顺利怀胎十月,
  [00:34.76]And if it did, it would be extremely dangerous to your health. 如果硬要那样的话对你的健康不利
  [00:42.36]If you decide to go ahead with this, you'll have to be a very brave woman. 如果你坚持要这样,那你必须是勇敢的女人
  [00:47.52]But I thought the doctor said you couldn't have any more babies. 我想医生说过你不能再多要孩子了
  [00:50.76]Sometimes, Ariel, doctors are wrong. 有时医生也会说错的,爱蕊儿
  [00:55.60]There. It just kicked. 看看吧,比比刚刚踢了一脚
  [01:00.72]Oh, my God! 我的天
  [01:03.28]Johnny, feel it. 约翰尼, 感觉到了吗?
  [01:12.84]I remember the first time you kicked, Christy. 我记得你第一次踢脚,克莉丝蒂
  [01:14.44]It was in one of your dad's plays. 是在你爸爸的一次表演中
  [01:19.24]Every time he spoke, you kicked. 他一说话你就踢我
  [01:21.64]Like you were applauding him. 感觉好象你在为他鼓掌加油
  [01:25.52]-Did I ever kick? -You kicked like a mule, night and day. - 我有踢过你吗? - 你像骡子一样,每日每夜的踢
  [01:32.28]There it is again. 又来了
  [01:37.52]Johnny, did you feel it? 约翰尼,你感觉到了吗?
  [01:48.84]I can't feel anything. 什么都没有
  [02:00.92]Do you want me to lie? 你希望我撒谎吗?
  [02:03.56]You're the only actor in the world who can't lie, Johnny. 你是这世上唯一不能撒谎的演员,约翰尼
  [02:06.40]-Not even for the sake of your kids? -What does that mean? - 即使是为了孩子们好也不行吗? - 什么意思?
  [02:10.48]how can you create somebody that'll touch anybody? 你怎么创造了可以让人感觉的生命
  [02:10.68]If you can't touch somebody you created... 如果你不能触摸你创造的生命……
  [02:13.16]-What are you going on about? -Acting, Johnny. - 你到底要继续怎么样? - 继续表演,约翰尼
  [02:18.52]And bringing something to life. It's the same thing. 给生活带来一些生趣,就是这么回事
  [02:20.40]That's why you can't get a job acting, because you can't feel anything. 这就是你为什么找不到表演工作的原因, 因为你没有感情,麻木
  [02:27.36]This baby's not Frankie, Sarah. 这比比不是弗兰克,莎拉
  [02:35.76]Look at me. Why don't you look at me? 看着我,为什么你不看着我?
  [02:44.28]You've gotten over him. 你已经忘记他了
  [02:53.84]I had to get over him, Johnny, for the sake of the kids. 我必须忘记他,约翰尼, 这是为了孩子们好
  [02:55.16]So you're gonna put your life on the line for the sake of the kids? 所以你甘愿所有的生活都是为了孩子们好
  [02:59.76]-And that's protecting them? -Yes. - 那是为了保护他们? - 是的
  [03:01.48]-That's a total contradiction. -How? - 这真是自相矛盾 - 为什么?
  [03:06.68]You know what the doctor said. 你知道医生怎么说吗?
  [03:10.68]I don't care what they said. 我不介意他们说什么
  [03:12.92]What do they know about us? And my baby? 他们一点都不了解我们, 也不了解比比
  [03:19.36]I gotta fucking get out of here. 我必须要离开这里
  [03:21.20]Where are you going? 你要去哪?
  [03:23.36]-This is real. -No! - 这是真的 - 不
  [03:23.92]This is real. It's not a fucking play! 这都是真的,不是演戏一样理想
  [03:26.44]What are you talking about? Where are you going? 你在说什么? 你要去哪?
  [03:30.04]-Let me get out. -No. - 让我出去 - 不
  [03:30.76]You'll upset the kids! 你会吓到孩子们的
  [03:35.44]I'll be back in a minute. 我马上回来
  [03:38.28]Johnny, come back. Johnny, where are you going? 约翰尼,回来 约翰尼,你要去哪?
  [03:42.48]Johnny, you're scaring me. Come back. 约翰尼,你吓到我了,快回来
  [03:47.68]Just come back. Johnny, please. 求你了,约翰尼,快回来
  [04:13.88]All right? Everything all right? 没事吧?一切都没问题吧?
  [04:34.80]The baby will bring its own luck, will it? 比比会有自己的好运的,不是吗?
  [04:38.80]I'll tell you the luck the baby will bring. The baby could infect her... 我会告诉你比比会带来什么好运吧 比比会让它妈妈受感染的……
  [04:42.96]and two girls will be left without their ma. 两个小女孩就没有妈妈了
  [04:46.92]So keep your trap shut. 所以就不要再误导她了
  [04:51.84]You don't believe. 你不相信吗?
  [04:56.00]In what? 相信什么?
