China welcomes more foreign scientists for cooperation(在线收听

   BEIJING, Feb. 14 (Xinhua) -- China welcomes more foreign experts to conduct all-around scientific cooperation with the country, and supports Chinese scientists in overcoming major international scientific issues, State Councilor Liu Yandong said Tuesday.

  Liu made the remarks when meeting with eight foreign experts that won the International Cooperation Award in Science and Technology during a high-profile ceremony held annually to honor excellent scientists and research achievements.
  Among the eight award recipients, three are from Japan, and the rest from Germany, France, Britain, the United States and Australia.
  Liu delivered certificates to the eight scientists and thanked them for their achievements.
  Foreign scientists, who are represented by the eight award winners, are close friends of China and friendly ambassadors for exchanges between China and foreign countries, said Liu.
  They have bridged communication and cooperation between China and the world, and have made outstanding contributions to promoting scientific progress and economic and social development, and deepening the friendship between Chinese people and people from all over the world, said Liu
  Liu also met with other award-winning scientists, encouraging them to strive for more achievements with scientific innovation and make more contributions to transforming the economic development mode and building China into an innovative nation.
  Since 1995, China has given the International Cooperation Award in Science and Technology to a total of 74 foreign experts and one international organization.