
人类最美丽的情感莫过于男女之间的爱恋,世上最动人的语言莫过于浸涵情感的语言。虽说爱不需要太多的言语,只需彼此的相知,“I love you more than I can say”,然而,爱的表白作为爱情的佐料,却是必不可少的。让我们通过经典影片来品味如何用英语向心爱的人表达爱意。


Notting Hill

William: I live in Notting Hill. You live in Beverly Hills. Everyone in the world knows who you are.

Anna: I’m also just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.



George: Hey, would you, uh, love me the rest of my life?

Lace:: No. I’m gonna love you for the rest of mine.


Gone With The Wind

Rhett: I made up my mind you were the only woman for me, Scarlett, the first day I saw you at Twelve Oaks. … So I see I shall have to marry you.

Scarlett: I never heard of such bad taste.

Rhett: Would you be more convinced if I fell to my knees?

Scarlett: Turn me loose, you varmint and get out of here.

Rhett: Forgive me for startling you with the impetuosity of my sentiments, my dear Scarlett, I mean my dear Mrs. Kennedy. But it cannot have escaped your notice that for some time past, the friendship I have felt for you has ripened into a deeper feeling. A feeling more beautiful, more pure, more sacred … dare I name it? Can it be love?

Scarlett: Get up off your knees, I don’t like your common jokes.

Rhett: This is an honorable proposal of marriage, made in what I consider a most opportune moment. I can’t go all my life waiting to catch you between husbands.


A beautiful Mind

Nash: Alicia, does our relationship warrant long-term commitment? I need some kind of proof, some kind of verifiable, empirical data.

Alicia: I’m sorry, just give me a moment to redefine my girlish notions of romance.



Mr. Knightley: Emma, you want our friendship to remain the same as it has always been, but I cannot desire that.… I do not wish to call you my friend … because I hope to call you something infinitely more dear.


Untamed Heart

Caroline: You love with your mind and soul, not your heart.

Adam: ( touching his chest ) Then how come I hurt here when you’re not with me?


He Said She Said

Lorie: Look, I don’t, I don’t want to play games any more. I don’t want to flirt and do all that shit. … I mean, I know you have a lot of women and everything, but don’t you just get lonely anyway, and scared? Like your whole life is going by, your days and your nights, and nobody is around to see it except you. I would just I would just like to be with you tonight.


Madame Curie

Pierre: No, please, I must talk to you. I find myself in a very peculiar position. During these past two weeks when you’ve not been coming to the laboratory, I found everything very confusing. It’s impossible to do my work. In short, I find it impossible to go on without you, but now suddenly something has become very clear to me … I’m helpful to you in the lab, am I not? Am I not? Can you say that? … Well then now I’m inclined to be nervous, impatient. You are quite the opposite, you are clear-minded, you are tenacious, you will never give up. It’s an excellent combination. I might compare it with a chemical formula NaCl, sodium chloride. It’s a stable necessary compound, so if we marry on this basis, our marriage will be always the same, the temperature will be the same, the compositions will be the same. There’ll be no distractions, no fluctuations, none of the uncertainties and emotions of love. … in our case it would be a wonderful collaboration, a wonderful collaboration!


Waterloo Bridge

Roy: Two whole days. You know, I thought about you all last night, couldn’t sleep a wink.


Myra: But you don’t know me.

Roy: Then I’ll discover. Spend the rest of my life doing it.

Myra: Oh Roy, this is wartime, it’s because you’re leaving so soon, because you feel you must spend your life in forty-eight hours.

Roy: We’re going to be married. It’s you. It’ll never be anyone else.

Myra: But how can you tell that?

Roy: Now listen darling. None of your quibbling. None of your questioning. None of your doubts. This is positive, you see? This is affirmative, you see? This is final, you see? You’re going to marry me, you see?

Myra: I see.


Jerry Maguire

Jerry: I love you. You … complete me.

Dorothy: Shut up. Just shut up. You had me at “ hello ”.
