
   SCOTT: This facility is great, don't you think?

  ANDREW: Yes, it is better than last year. They have done a very good job this time.
  SCOTT: I'm glad our booth is on the first floor. More people can see our display.
  ANDREW: If someone wants to find us, they can look at this floor plan.
  It shows where all the companies have their booths.
  SCOTT: Let me see that. I didn't get one when I came in.
  ANDREW: Really? They didn't give you one with your ticket?
  SCOTT: No.
  ANDREW: That's strange.
  SCOTT: Where do you go for lunch around here?
  ANDREW: Are you hungry?
  SCOTT: Not too bad. But I will be soon.
  ANDREW: I went across the street. There is a good Chinese restaurant next to the hotel.
  SCOTT: I can't see Comtex on this floor plan. Don’t they have a booth here?
  ANDREW: They must. Let me look at that.
  Here it is. Comtex. It's on the second floor, next to the Rolly booth.
  SCOTT: Oh, that will be uncomfortable for them.
  ANDREW: For whom? Comtex?
  SCOTT: Yes. Comtex just stole Darren McDowell from Rolly.
  And probably Darren will be here.
  So he will have to spend the whole show standing next to his old Comtex coworkers.
  ANDREW: I've never met Darren.
  But you're right. That would probably be uncomfortable.
  SCOTT: When you reserve a booth, you should check who your neighbors will be.
  Don't you think?
  ANDREW: Yes, maybe. If you're Darren McDowell, you should probably check.
  SCOTT: Yes. Well, I think I'll go get lunch. Will you join me?
  ANDREW: No, I'll stay here at the booth.
  I ate earlier. Are you going to the Chinese restaurant?
  SCOTT: Maybe. I will look around.