听歌学英语:勇往直前 Headstrong(在线收听

听歌学英语:勇往直前 Headstrong

Ashely能演、能写、能唱、能跳,是全方位的天后接班人。获选TeenPeople杂志25岁以下25大人气明星之一 。这首headstrong由90年代偶像创作歌手Tommy Page力捧监制、当代流行音乐最强阵容齐力打造2007年2月6日,ashley tisdale发表了首张专辑《Headstrong》,共售出64,000份,同时她还被音乐杂志《Blender》推为流行音乐R&B界“Hottest Woman”的第二名,2得到的评价是“天使般的嗓音和耀眼的人格魅力,而且拥有那种非常稀少的听众缘:数百万的青少年都在翘首以待她的出道专辑。”这首歌的旋律和它的歌词一样激励人,让人听了后会觉得很有力量。

  I’m a straight-up kind of girl I am
I’m a telling it like it is I am
And that’s just the kind of girl I am
Head up, hands up, tell me
You’re a honey kind of boy you are
You’re a talented kind of boy you are
And that’s just the kind of boy you are
Head up, hands up, these are
Headstrong, crazy days
When your mind’s made up and the music plays
Headstrong, can you feel the beat
Melt down, can you feel the heat
Melt down, it’s not a crush
In a hot hot room we’re in a rush
Headstrong, can you feel the beat
Melt down, can you feel the heat
Gonna feel alive tonight I am
I’m a positive kind of girl I am
Leave my troubles behind tonight I am
Stand up, get up, tell me
Are you gone be down with me, you are
Yeah you coming along with me, you are
’Cause that’s just the kind of guy you are
Stand up, get up, these are
Headstrong, crazy days
When your mind’s made up and the music plays
Headstrong, can you feel the beat
Melt down, can you feel the heat
Melt down, it’s not a crush
In a hot hot room we’re in a rush
Headstrong, can you feel the beat
Melt down, can you feel the heat
I want to know you
I want to show you
I got the stuff now
Didn’t you get enough
Step to the rhythm
Make the decisions
These are the days
We’re living, loving, feel alive
And we feel alive tonight, we are
We are stepping into the light, we are
Leave our troubles behind tonight, we are
Stand up, get up, these are
Headstrong, crazy days
When your mind’s made up and the music plays
Headstrong, can you feel the beat
Melt down, can you feel the heat
Melt down, it’s not a crush
In a hot hot room we’re in a rush
Headstrong, can you feel the beat
Melt down, can you feel the heat
