听歌学英语:校园青春单曲 Old School Love(在线收听

听歌学英语:校园青春单曲 Old School Love

  有一类歌曲,或轻柔、或动感的音乐淡淡的描述着各种各样的心情,简单的音乐节奏,让人在聆听时能感受到空气的轻盈。这样的文字用来描述青春校园歌曲再适合不过了。今天给大家介绍的歌曲是人气姐妹花Megan & Liz的最新校园青春单曲”Old School Love”。Megan & Liz是美国流行音乐组合。她们都会作词作曲,而且Megan还能够演奏吉他。

On the first day,
when you asked me
if you could have my number in your phone
Hoping you'd offer your jackets.
You never did that.
You didn't even try to walk me home.
Does anybody miss that?
Holding hands in the cinema,
dreaming 'cause I'm missing you.
I wish that, we could take it back
to how it was like
What happened to that old school love?
Living through your letters wasn't enough.
What happened to that old school love?
I can't keep up.
I can't keep up.
What's up with the new school rush?
Guess I'm living in the past.
I still like it like that.
I can't keep up, up.
What happened to that old school Lo-o-o-ove?
Lo-o-o-o-ove, lo-o-o-ove
When you took me to the party,
you told me it was gonna be a date.
Then you had the nerve to ask me,
if we could go steady.
Now I'm sorry but it's getting kinda late.
Does anybody miss that?
Having lunch in the park,
hold my hand in the dark.
I wish that, we could take it back
to how it was like



野孩子  Wild Child   又名:公主的坏脾气、千金转校记
剧情讲述的是住在洛杉矶的Poppy,是一位被宠坏了的公主,为人自私自利。她的双亲为了改变她的坏脾气(ill temper),决定将其送到一家以整洁严明而出名的英国寄宿学校(boarding school)。

歌舞青春 High School Musical
这是美国一部获得艾美奖的电视电影。它于2006年1月20日发行,是迪士尼频道最成功的原创电影。3部歌舞青春都讲述了篮球天才(basketball talent)Troy和理科奇才(science talent)Gabriella的校园爱情故事。

高校天后 Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen 又名:青春舞会皇后
热爱流行事物的青春少女Lola跟随家人搬离纽约而来到纽泽西的乡间小镇,她从此被迫面对一个截然不同的生活圈。然而,这位崇尚流行、怀抱明星梦的美少女在转学后决定成为全校同学目光的焦点(focus of attention),不料学校已经有一位现任高校天后Carla,于是两位女孩展开了一场争奇斗艳的后位争夺战。

贱女孩 Mean Girls   又名:刁蛮掌门人
15岁的青春少女凯蒂Cady Heron因习惯了在非洲的生活而养成了坚强勇敢的性格。回到美国后,她来到一所普通高中学习,在微积分课上认识了一位名叫Aaron的男孩。男孩忧郁的气质(melancholy temperament)立刻吸引住了凯蒂。想不到的是,凯蒂迷上的男孩亚伦,却是学校出名的校花(campus belle)和青春女王Regina的前男友。

水瓶座女孩 What a Girl Wants   又名:女孩要什么,父女大不同
