

  So,  beginner that I was,  I marched into the office  of  Los  Angeles  Magazine   (without  an appointment)  and asked most graciously to see the editor!  The receptionist said,   "Nothing doing!"Well, she smiled.
  Obsession,  obsession.  I returned a week later.    "May I see the editor or can I make an appointment?  Same response: "We simply can t
  have the editor meet with every writer who walks in off the street.   How would he get any workdone?"
  Now the obsession really takes hold.  I mustget in to see that editor.   He will melt when hehears my pitchTM. But how, how? The wonderful,kooky TM idea takes form.  I 'U make my friends buy subscriptionsTM to the magazine.
  初生牛犊不怕虎的我没有预约就径直走进《洛杉矶杂志》社的办公室,以最优雅的态度要求见编辑!接待员说:  “不行!”好吧,至少她对我笑了。
  执著啊,执著。一个星期后我再次来到那里。  “我可以见见编辑或者预约一下吗?”同样的回答:“我们不能让编辑会见从大街上走进来的每一位作者。如果那样的话,他如何去做自己的工作呢?”