听歌学英语:一步一个脚印 One Step At A Time(在线收听

听歌学英语:一步一个脚印 One Step At A Time

第六届美国偶像冠军Jordin Sparks同时也是美国偶像历史上最年轻的冠军。2006年九月,她陆续赢得了“亚利桑那偶像”,“西雅图偶像”,接着在那里获得了“美国偶像”的桂冠。该届“美国偶像”是福克斯电视台举办的第六季。2007年获得美国最受青少年喜爱的歌手。今天我们要听到的这首One Step At A Time,以高根鞋的脚步声开场,接着低声音效,歌手衔接节奏响起,唱的快慢有序,配合空灵的电子乐声音,将耐听度大大地提高。

Hurry up and wait
So close, but so far away
Everything that you've always dreamed of
Close enough for you to taste
But you just can't touch
You wanna show the world,
But no one knows your name yet
Wonder when and where and how you're gonna make it
You know you can if you get the chance
In your face as the door keeps slamming
Now you're feeling more and more frustrated
And you're getting all kind of impatient waiting
We live and we learn to take
One step at a time
There's no need to rush
It's like learning to fly
Or falling in love
It's gonna happen and it's
Supposed to happen that we
Find the reasons why
On step at a time
You believe and you doubt
You're confused, you got it all figured out
Everything that you wished for
Could be yours, should be yours, would be yours
If they only knew
When you can't wait any longer
But there's no end in sight
It's the faith that makes you stronger
The only way you get there
Is one step at a time
