NATO summit kicks off in Chicago(在线收听

   CHICAGO, May 20 (Xinhua) -- Heads of state and government of 28 member countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO) on Sunday kicked off their 25th summit in Chicago, with the alliance's future commitment to Afghanistan and security capability in the age of austerity dominating the agenda.

  In his opening remarks at the summit, U.S. President Barack Obama said the alliance has been the "bedrock" of member countries ' common security and freedom.
  Obama noted NATO has adopted a new strategy in its last summit in Lisbon in 2010, saying "in Lisbon, we committed, in Chicago we are delivering."
  Obama said the allies will invest in new capabilities and pool resources to face new security challenges, as well as charting next phase of transition in Afghanistan. The allies will also meet with neighbors and partners to enhance NATO's network of global security partnership.
  NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen, for his part, said the summit will renew commitment of the "vital bond" between North America and Europe in the 21st century.