China to continue supporting WHO work(在线收听

 BEIJING, July 18 (Xinhua) -- China will continue to support the work of the World Health Organization (WHO) and its chief Margaret Chan Fung Fu-chun, Vice Premier Li Keqiang said Wednesday during a meeting with Chan.

Li said that in the last three years, China carried out the reform of its medical and health care system, and achieved success at the current stage.
However, medical reform is especially difficult for China as it is a developing country with a population of more than 1.3 billion, Li said.
"China will continue to improve its health care system, complete its basic drugs system and boost the reform of public hospitals in order to benefit more people at the grassroots level," Li added.
Li also expected that Chan could lead the organization to more efficiently cope with new challenges in the field of world health.
At the meeting, Chan spoke highly of China's achievements in deepening medical reform.
She said China has extended its basic medical coverage to more than 95 percent of the population, which provide experiences for other countries.
The WHO will further cooperate with China to boost the global health cause especially for developing countries, Chan said.