英语摇滚歌曲:The shape of things(在线收听

金属:Sanctity - The shape of things

相关介绍 :听到专辑Road to Bloodshed,觉得这不是老式激流金属,而是有点类似Superia+Trivium的风格。Sanctity的音乐里确实有着不少相当标准的Thrash段落,然而乐队整体却是非常时尚化的——演唱,音色,各种时尚元素,一切都构建在Thrash的基础上,纯正的Thrash迷们肯定不会买账。

歌词 :

Song :The Shape of Things
Artist :Sanctity

As I watch this creature grow
It starts to take a look
Just under it's own being

And what it finds
Will be the nothing it has sought
Lost for all time, this prize

When will it bite the hand that feeds it
First taste of flesh it is so pure
The shape of things so twisted

With one quick strike
The master turns to slave
The beast has grown from it's bonds

And what it finds
Outside the gates of it's own mind
For all time unkind

When will it bite the hand that feeds it
First taste of flesh it is so pure
The shape of things so twisted

As I watch this creature grow
It starts to take a look
Just under it's own being

When will it bite the hand that feeds it
First taste of flesh it is so pure
The shape of things so twisted
No longer recognize this nightmare
