
如果这个世界缺乏欣赏  Imagine a world in which there was suddenly no appreciation---a world in which human beings could not appreciate the beauty of life, could not appreciate the wonder of nature, could not appreciate the mightiness of the world. Try to imagine the consequences of such a transformation. People might lose their points of living: appreciating neither families nor friends, neither the place of interest nor the natural landscape. They could not enjoy themselves: they could benefit nothing from their experiences for they appreciate nothing about surroundings. Then every day, people’s lives would be boring and prosaic like a piece of blank paper.

There is a Chinese saying “Women beautify themselves for those who appreciate them”. Actually, not only women but also men enjoy being appreciated. However, the landscape belongs to the man who looks at it. So without appreciation no matter how charming a woman looks, no matter how magnificent a structure was built, no matter how fantastic a melody was composed, no matter how admirable a spirit is, any beautiful object would be worth nothing as they would not be appreciated and made use of by people. They would be ignored like something valueless. Then the development of human society would suddenly stop, since appreciation was a vital element of keeping the society.     
In such a world, the chances that human species would survive are next to zero. Because appreciation, as one of the most important behaviors for human’s joy and development, is the significant instrument to guide our communication with others and the whole society. As we know, beauty is found everywhere. Without appreciation, all sorts of beauty would not exist because people show a lack of sense of beauty. There would be no distinction between a pretty girl and an ugly witch, or a blooming flower and a pile of excrement because all the people had no scale to discriminate the beauty and the ugly. Imagine how terrible that would be if it happened. Our earth would become a joyless land, as depressed and withdrawn as a valley.     
Luckily, we have appreciation actually. Appreciation brings people joys, makes people realize that how wonderful the world is and makes people value more their lives now. So appreciation, undoubtedly, will be treasure of human’s life.