爵士歌曲:Carly Simon - The last samba(在线收听

爵士:Carly Simon - The last samba

相关介绍 :这是这位值得尊敬的老女人,格莱美,奥斯卡,金球奖奖项获得者,她的歌给人感觉犹如一座古堡的地下酒窖中,所蕴藏的陈年美酿,品之,醇厚,温暖,令人沉醉。又带点怀旧的经典爵士味,令人可暂时小憩,闭目聆听。

歌词 :

Song :The Last Samba
Artist :Carly Simon

The last samba
The last samba is playing
Don't waste me it seems to be saying
For soon this crescent moon will fade
Becoming only broken shell
And half remembered tunes

So take me then
Here on this sand in the midst of these stars
Swaying in thrall to the fading guitars
Lost on the beach in this trance

They're playing the last samba
Shall we dance?

And half remembered tunes

So take me then
Here on this sand in the midst of these stars
Swaying in thrall to the fading guitars
Lost on the beach in this trance

They're playing the last samba
The last samba
The last samba
Shall we dance?
Hmm, shall we dance?
Shall we dance?
