


误:He decided to abandon up the plan.
正:He decided to abandon the plan.
析:动词 abandon(放弃,抛弃,遗弃)通常不与副词 up 连用。比较:give up the plan(放弃计划)。
误:In his early days he abandoned medicine to literature.
正:In his early days he abandoned medicine for literature.
析:abandon sth for sth 指的是主动地为某物而放弃另一物,abandon sth (sb) to sth 则通常指被动地放弃某物而将其被 另一物取得。比较:abandon a city to invaders( 丢下城市 任入侵者占领);再比较:abandon oneself to despair(自暴 自弃)。