VOA慢速英语2012 IN THE NEWS - Clashes Intensify on Turkish-Syrian Border(在线收听


IN THE NEWS - Clashes Intensify on Turkish-Syrian Border

时事新闻 - 土耳其和叙利亚边境冲突加剧

From VOA Learning English, this is IN THE NEWS in Special English.


A Syrian artillery attack this week killed five civilians in Turkey. It was one of the most serious cross-border incidents since the fighting in Syria began a year and a half ago.


Forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad are accused of firing a shell that struck a house in Akcakale on Wednesday. Two women and three children died. Turkish forces shelled Syrian targets to answer the attack.

忠于叙利亚总统巴沙尔·阿萨德(Bashar al-Assad)的部队被指控周三发射一枚炮弹袭击了阿克恰卡莱县(Akcakale,土耳其境内)的一所房子,造成两名妇女和3名儿童死亡。土耳其军队炮击了叙利亚目标作为回应。

Also, Turkey's parliament passed a one-year measure approving military intervention into Syria if necessary. Under the Turkish constitution, the government needs that permission to operate outside Turkey. 


Parliament easily passed the measure, but the main opposition party voted against it. And opinion surveys show that the Turkish public strongly opposes any heavy military action against Syria.


Inside Syria, the war continues with intensity. In Aleppo, the country's largest city, the few hospitals that are still open are struggling to treat victims of the conflict. VOA reporter Scott Bobb and cameraman Sebastian Meyer visited one of those hospitals.

在叙利亚境内,战斗继续紧张进行。在该国最大的城市阿勒颇,仍然开放的几家医院都在努力治疗冲突受害者。美国之音记者斯科特·鲍比(Scott Bobb)和摄影师塞巴斯蒂安·梅耶(Sebastian Meyer)探访了其中一家医院。 

SCOTT BOBB: "Dar al-Shifa Hospital in Aleppo. Staff treat soldiers of the rebel Free Syria Army wounded in various battles this morning. They are also treating civilians. This boy was hit by a bullet. It went through his shoulder and lodged in his chest. This family arrives in panic and in grief. A mortar shell hit their home. Two babies are among the wounded. A teenager arrives with a shattered leg. He will survive but as an amputee. The father lies on the sidewalk. He died before reaching the hospital, hit by shrapnel in the head."

鲍比:“在阿勒颇的Dar al-Shifa医院,医务人员在治疗今天上午各种战斗中受伤的反对派自由叙利亚军队的士兵。他们也治疗平民。这个男孩被一枚子弹击中,子弹从肩膀射入,卡在胸口。这个家庭抵达医院时既惊慌又悲伤。一枚迫击炮炮弹击中了他们的住宅。两个婴儿位居伤者之列,一名少年抵达是腿部粉碎,他能活下去,但会成为截肢者。这家的父亲躺在人行道上,他的头部被弹片击中,抵达医院前就死了。”

The hospital was heavily damaged and is able to provide only emergency first aid. After treatment, the wounded are sent home or, if they need more attention, to Turkey -- two hours away.


The Syrian conflict sometimes spills into Turkey, as the attack on Wednesday showed. Turkey has sent more troops to the border since Syrian anti-aircraft fire shot down a Turkish warplane in June. But Cengiz Aktar, a political scientist at Istanbul's Bahcesehir University, says there is no desire for a war with Syria. 

正如周三的袭击所示,叙利亚冲突有时会蔓延到土耳其。自从今年6月份叙利亚防空炮火击落一架土耳其军用飞机后,土耳其已经派遣了更多士兵到边境。但伊斯坦布尔花园城市大学的政治学家杰基茨·阿克塔尔(Cengiz Aktar)表示,土耳其没有和叙利亚一战的愿望。

CENGIZ AKTAR: "Turkey is entering quite a difficult period economically speaking and I do not think they would like to add more expenditure to their already very strained budget."


Turkey’s forces are much larger and more modern than Syrian forces. But the Turkish military is battling Kurdish rebels. And it has other issues requiring its attention. Last month, more than three hundred army officers were found guilty of plotting against Turkey’s government.


The government has, in the past, said it would not intervene by itself in Syria. But Turkey is finding little international support for intervention from the United Nations or NATO. And political observer Sinan Ulgen says Turkey has been generally dissatisfied with international reaction to the Syrian crisis.

土耳其政府在过去已经表示过,不会自行干预叙利亚。但土耳其在寻求联合国或北约干预上未能获得太多的国际支持。政治观察家辛纳·吴格(Sinan Ulgen)表示,土耳其对国际社会在叙利亚危机上的反应已经普遍不满。

SINAN ULGEN: "Turkey feels that it has been left alone to deal with crisis on Syria. The international community, despite having engaged in the rhetoric of the responsibility to protect, did not live up to the bargain."


And that's IN THE NEWS in Special English. You can find transcripts, MP3s and podcasts of our programs at www.voanews.cn. And you can find us on Twitter and YouTube at VOA Learning English. I'm Bob Doughty.


Contributing: Scott Bobb and Dorian Jones
