英语博客:ESL Podcast 774 – Describing Height and Build(在线收听

   Gwen: Do you see that heavyset guy over there, the one towering over everyone else?

  Denzel: Yeah, what about him?
  Gwen: He’s my ex-boyfriend. I haven’t seen him in years. When I knew him he was really skinny. He’s really put on a few pounds. It’s amazing what a few years can do.
  Denzel: None of us are as svelte as we used to be.
  Gwen: That’s true enough. I’m not as petite as I used to be, that’s for sure.
  Denzel: How come you’ve never mentioned this ex- boyfriend before?
  Gwen: Oh, I’d almost forgotten about him. Oh, no. I hope that guy over there didn’t see me.
  Denzel: Who? That short, stocky guy?
  Gwen: No, the average height guy who’s walking this way. He’s another one of my exes. I’d hoped never to see him again.
  Denzel: It was a bad breakup?
  Gwen: Right. Let’s head toward the door.
  Denzel: Why hadn’t you mentioned him before?
  Gwen: I thought I had. There have been so many...
  Denzel: Don’t look now, but your ex is also headed toward the door.
  Gwen: Which one?
  Denzel: The tall medium build guy walking next to you!
  Script by Dr. Lucy Tse