英语博客:ESL Podcast 775 – Making Repairs on the Outside of a House(在线收听

   Maggie: Watch out! Are you okay?

  Conrad: I’m fine, but I almost tripped over that crack in the driveway. We’ve got to get that fixed.
  Maggie: I know it’s a hazard, but first things first. We should fix those broken front steps, don’t you think?
  Conrad: I see what you mean.
  Maggie: And we have to repair that part of the fence that’s falling down. See? If it leans any more, we won’t be able to open the gate.
  Conrad: Oh, I didn’t realize the fence was falling down. Yes, you’re right, we should take care of those things first.
  Maggie: And the porch light is out. I’m not sure if we just need to replace the bulb, or if it’s an electrical issue.
  Conrad: I didn’t realize the outside of our house was in such disrepair. I’ve been traveling too much for work.
  Maggie: I admit I’ve been putting off the repairs, too.
  Conrad: All right, I know what we’ll be doing this weekend – all weekend!
  Script by Dr. Lucy Tse