英语听力—环球英语 1122 Listener Mail 124(在线收听

   Voice 1

  Welcome to Spotlight’s Listener Mail Program. I’m Colin Lowther.
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  And I’m Liz Waid. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.
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  From Vietnam to the Ukraine. From Mongolia to Ecuador. People from all over the world come together to listen to Spotlight. Today, we listen to comments from people all over the world. We hear what you said about using drugs in sports, good fresh food, and the kinds of substances we use to make our food sweeter. Keep listening!
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  Our first comments are about a subject people love all over the world – sports! In our program “Sports and Steroids” we looked at sports players who use steroids. These drugs improve a player’s performance - he can do things he could not do before. But if a player uses these drugs and WINS, is that fair? What if everyone uses them? In that program we asked what you thought about this issue - should steroids be legal? Alfons thought that permitting steroid use would change the nature of sports. He said:
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  “I think surely no. If steroids are legal, sports will not be natural. Sports will not be about human power, but about chemical progress. Then it is not a sport.”
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  Skender agreed. But he also added his opinion that sports players should not be able to use ANY special equipment.
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  “I think that using steroids, special clothes, special two-wheeled bicycles, and special false legs, damages sport in general. These special things should be banned in sports. Steroid users are able to defeat other competitors who do not use steroids. But this is not fair play. In the last Olympic Games in Beijing, China, Michael Phelps was the best swimmer. Later, I read that he used expensive swimming clothes which helped him in his races. We in Europe enjoy football more than any other kind of sports. But often in different games I wonder if they are playing fairly, or if the players are drug users.”
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  And Jose wrote from his own experience as a sports player.
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  “I have played sports all my life. I am sure that people do not need drugs and steroids to be a good sports player. If you have the right body, it is possible without drugs.”
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  The human body is an amazing thing - even without drugs! This debate will probably continue into the future. Sports players want to do more and more amazing things. Thank you all for your comments.
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  Our next comments are about a different kind of substance you put into your body. But this time, the substance is something everyone needs – food! In our program “Slow Food” we told about the Slow Food Movement. They want all people to have “good, clean, fair food”. The movement encourages people to think about food in a different way. D Nguyen wrote:
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  “I do not like fast food because it is full of fat and it does not taste normal. I love foods that are cooked by my mother. And I love cooking too.”
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  Ala wrote:
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  “I love cooking health food”
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  And Veutienganh believes that finding this fresh good food may be more difficult than we think.
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  “I love traditional foods because they are fresh and clean. But now everything has changed. We have to eat foods that are grown unnaturally. And they are not good for our health and they cause serious diseases. Sadly, not everyone understands this. We are living in an environment where the air and water is polluted. I like the slow food idea and I want to do it in my country, Vietnam. Finally, I hope everyone thinks about this soon and builds a better future.”
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  But should we get rid of fast food completely? Alfons says no.
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  “Mostly I eat traditional home foods. But I think that sometimes it is not bad to have fast food - even if it is unhealthy. It is very important to save a nation’s food because it is a part of culture. If McDonald’s is in every city or state, there is no variety.
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  The slow food movement is spreading around the world. Thanks for sharing your experiences and opinions with us!
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  We move now to another kind of food. But this one is not as necessary. Have you ever thought about the substances you use to make your food sweeter? Many people like the taste of very sweet things. But too much sweetener can cause problems in a person’s body. This is even true for natural sweeteners like sugar and honey. So some people use artificial sweeteners. These are chemicals that make food very sweet. But scientists have discovered that some of these artificial sweeteners are more dangerous than natural sweeteners! This was the subject of our program “Dangerously Sweet”. In that program we asked you about the artificial sweeteners that you use. Tanya wrote that these issues are not as important to her, as they are to her friend. She wrote:
  Voice 9
  “I never think about what sweetener is in my products. But it is a big problem for people that have such diseases like diabetes. My friend has it. Every day she has to think about what she eats. And now in stores there are separate areas for products with no sugar at all.”
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  Gardenia did not seem to like almost any kind of sweetener. She seemed to like the natural sweetness that is already in each food.
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  “If you like, sometimes you can have natural sweeteners. But your daily diet should not contain sugar - no sugary drinks and no sugary foods. Natural sweeteners come from plants, so why not eat vegetables and fruits and other natural foods. You have to discover the natural tastes of all kinds of food! I think artificial or chemical sweeteners are rubbish.”
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  M.K. wrote about the kind of sweetener he likes most:
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  “I like brown sugar instead of the white one. I believe it is healthier and causes less fat.”
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  And Edwin added:
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  “I like sugar for breakfast and I think it is good.”
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  Thanks for all your comments! And thank you to all of you who have written to us! If you have not added your opinion, please join us! Visit our website at http://www.radioenglish.net Write. a comment on the script page of any program. You can also write your comments on our Facebook page. To find our page, just search for Spotlight Radio. Tell us what YOU think!
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  The writer and producer of this program was Liz Waid. The voices you heard were from the United Kingdom and the United States. All quotes have been adapted for this program and voiced by Spotlight. You can hear this program again, and read it, on our website at http://www.radioenglish.net This .program is called “Listener Mail 124”.
  We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. Goodbye.