Clinton still plans to leave State Department(在线收听

 Clinton still plans to leave State Department

WASHINGTON, Nov. 7 (Xinhua) -- A U.S. government official reiterated on Wednesday that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton still planned to step down from her current job of U.S. chief diplomat.

"I don't think the secretary's plans have changed," State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said at a regular briefing.
"You've heard her say many times that she intends to see through a transition of a successor and then she will go back to private life and enjoy some rest, and think and write and all those things," the spokeswoman told reporters.
Clinton has repeatedly expressed her intention to step down from the position of secretary of state in January, 2013 when her four-year tenure ends. Some are speculating that the 65-year-old former first lady may run for president again in 2016. The speculation has been denied by Clinton.