
   [00:03.06]- That’s it. You’re out of the herd. - I’m sorry. - 行了!你被开除了! - 真对不起

  [00:05.54]No, you’re not. Not yet. 我宰了你…你再后悔吧
  [00:08.62]- Listen, I can help you. - Stay close, Sid. We can fight our way out. - 听着,我能帮你们 - 跟紧了,希德,我们能杀出去!
  [00:12.10]You can’t. The pack’s too strong. You have to trust me. 不行!他们太强大了,你们得信任我
  [00:16.18]Trust you? Why in the world would we trust you? 信任你?我们干嘛要信任你?
  [00:17.66]Because I’m your only chance. 因为你们只有靠我
  [00:35.26]Hello, ladies. 哈罗,“小姐”们
  [00:37.86]- Look who decided to show up. - Diego, I was beginning to worry about you. - 嘿,瞧谁终于肯露脸了 - 迭戈,我正为你担心呢
  [00:42.26]No need to worry. In about two minutes you’ll be satisfying your taste for revenge. 用不着担心,再过两分钟 你将从…复仇中…得到满足
  [00:49.78]Very nice. 这非常好
  [00:52.18]I see the sloth. And he’s got the baby. 我看见树懒了!孩子在他手里!
  [00:52.86]Don’t give away your positions until you see the mammoth. He’s the one to surprise. 没见到长毛象就别暴露你们自己 我们得出其不意
  [01:01.30]You want to maul something, don’t you? 你想重拳出击,对吗,齐克?
  [01:02.54]- I wanna maul. - Then what are you waiting for? - 呵呵,我想出击 - 那你还等什么?
  [01:10.98]No, I said wait for the mammoth. 不,我说了等那长毛象出现!
  [01:34.22]Backscratcher. Eat my powder! “雪板挠背”,你们吃白雪吧!嘿嘿
  [01:52.34]Loop-de-loop. 唷!喔!“环滑车”呃,啊!
  [01:55.78]Slalom! Slalom, baby! 障碍滑雪,障碍滑雪,宝贝
  [02:22.94]Sorry, fellas. He got a little frostbite. 对不起,伙计们,他被冻成小雪人了
  [02:29.98]Get him. 呜!宰了他!
  [02:35.26]Surprise! 大惊喜!
  [02:42.30]OK, follow me. We’ll pick up Sid and get outta here while we can. 好吧,跟我来! 我们去找希德,然后离开这儿
  [02:46.38]Come on, Diego, let’s bring this mammoth down. 来吧,迭戈,我们把这长毛象摆平
  [03:03.78]There he is. 他在这儿
  [03:06.10]That’s right. Where’s the baby? 没错,宝宝在哪儿啊?
  [03:13.62]Survival of the fittest. 这就叫…适者…生存!
  [03:18.10]I don’t think so. Yeah. 这老虎不行
  [03:32.02]- What are you doing? - Leave the mammoth alone. - 你这是干嘛? - 不许…碰这…长毛象
  [03:37.78]Fine. I’ll take you down first. 好,我先把你摆平
  [04:56.82]We did it. 我们赢了
  [05:09.82]We were some team, huh? 我们曾经是多棒的集体
  [05:15.98]Were? Come on, we’re still a team. 曾经是?胡说,我们还是一个集体
  [05:19.18]I’m sorry I set you up. 我设下圈套,真对不起
  [05:22.46]You know me - I’m too lazy to hold a grudge. 我就算恨你,也懒得记仇了
  [05:29.30]Knock it off, squirt. 嘿,别闹,小鬼
  [05:32.30]You gotta be strong. 你得强壮些
  [05:32.90]You have to take care of Manfred and Sid. 你得照顾曼福雷德和希德
  [05:38.26]Especially Sid. 尤其是希德
  [05:40.78]Come on, you can lick this. You’re a tiger. 行了,你能挺过来,你是老虎
  [05:44.54]Look, I’ll carry you. Come on, what do you say? 我能背你,你说怎么样?
  [05:48.62]Come on, Diego, come on. 振作点,迭戈,振作!
  [05:48.98]Tell him he’s going to be OK, Manny. 告诉他他会好的,曼尼
  [05:54.90]Listen, you have to leave me here. 听着,你们别管我了
  [05:58.02]If those humans get through the pass, you’ll never catch them. 如果人类过了“冰川道” 你们就找不到他们了
  [06:02.34]You didn’t have to do that. 你不用救我的
  [06:06.02]That’s what you do in a herd. 我们是一个集体
  [09:23.02]Don’t forget about us. 别忘了我们
  [09:25.70]OK? 好吗?
  [09:31.06]We won’t forget about you. 我们不会忘了你