
   [00:01.12]Harry, the meat is filthy. 哈里 那牛肉非常恶心

  [00:01.84]And the meat- I gotta tell you somethin’. 而且那牛肉… 我必须得跟你说
  [00:04.04]Do you know they got untrained people workin’ at the gut table? 你知道他们让一些未经培训的人 在内脏台上劳作吗?
  [00:08.52]- Really? The gut table? - Yeah. I mean- -是吗?内脏台? -对 我想说…
  [00:12.20]- Harry, there’s shit in our meat. - (Woman) Harry. -哈里 我们的肉中有牛粪 -哈里
  [00:15.96]- Hi. - Hey.
  [00:18.24]- I heard you were here today. - How are you doin’, huh? -我听说你今天来这儿了 -感觉如何?
  [00:18.96]- Ah, can’t complain. - Good. Lisa, I want you to meet Don Anderson. -呃 还不赖 -丽莎 我给你介绍 这是唐·安得森
  [00:23.60]- He just came to the company from CNN. - ESPN actually. -他是CNN的 -应该是ESPN
  [00:31.16]No. My team came up with the name. 不是 是整个团队想出这个名字的
  [00:33.68]You’re just being humble. It was pure genius, Don. 别谦虚了 唐 你真是个的天才
  [00:34.12]- It’s a good name for a burger, isn’t it? - It sure is. -是个很好的汉堡名对吗? -当然
  [00:38.12]It’s very nice to meet you. Can I get you another Fat Tire? 很高兴见到你 我给你再拿瓶宽带啤酒好吗?
  [00:41.20]I would love another Fat Tire. You want a beer, Don? 好啊 唐 要喝啤酒吗?
  [00:45.88]- No, thanks. - Just one. -不了 谢谢 -就来一瓶
  [00:47.88]- All right. - Just one. All right. -好的 -就一瓶 没问题
  [01:01.40]You know... 你知道嘛
  [01:03.40]I think there might be a little bit of shit right here in this meat. 我觉得这块肉里面没准儿就有点牛粪
  [01:05.84]Just a teeny little bit. Microscopic. 在显微镜下 也许就这么点
  [01:07.76]Your tests say that the meat we’re getting from U.M.P. Is clean.
  [01:10.80]你的检测报告上说U.M.P的 肉质是完全没有问题的
  [01:14.80]It’s not. I’ve seen independent tests that say that it’s not. 但事实不是这样 我见过化验报告 结果显示有问题
  [01:18.68]There’s always been a little shit in the meat. 在肉里总是点屎
  [01:21.36]You’ve probably been eatin’ it your whole life. 估计你一生都得吃这些东西
  [01:23.64]Yeah? Well, I prefer not to, Harry. 是吗?但我情愿不吃这些东西 哈里
  [01:26.32]Well, I don’t know who you been talkin’ to, Don... 我不清楚你和谁谈过 唐
  [01:30.80]but there is absolutely nothing illegal goin’ on here, okay? 但这里的确没有 任何违法的事情存在 明白吗?
  [01:33.40]Meat is supposed to be cooked. 牛肉本来就该煮熟后再吃的
  [01:36.36]And the grills at Mickeys are calibrated carefully... 米齐斯的每个烤架都被仔细检查过
  [01:39.88]to make sure it kills every little bit of the bad stuff that’s in there. 这样就可以保证没有 任何不良成分还在于其中
  [01:43.12]- That might be kinda tough to explain to our customers. - Explain what? -但这样说是很难向我们顾客交代的 -交代什么?
  [01:46.60]Listen, there is cow shit in our meat because we’re running the line too fast. 听着 在我们的肉中有牛粪 原因是流水线开得太快了
  [01:51.48]Just cook it. That’s all you need to do. 煮熟它呗 这就够了
  [01:53.36]You see? That’s one of the things that’s just buggin’me about this country. 你知道吗?这个国家总是有点东西弄得我心烦意乱
  [01:57.92]Really buggin’ me. 真的让我心烦意乱
  [01:59.92]Americans have become these-these great big fraidy cats. 美国人都变成了些大型胆小猫
  [02:03.60]Afraid of everything. Everything’s gotta be sterile and germfree. 害怕一切东西 每样东西都要求彻底消毒和完全无菌
  [02:07.88]- Well, everybody needs to grow up. - (Loud Slap) 够了 大家都要成熟点
  [02:10.16]That’s what they need. 那才是他们要的
  [02:12.88]You wanna be safe? Huh? Perfectly safe? 你想要安全吗? 彻彻底底的安全吗?
  [02:16.44]Well, forget about it. That’s not gonna happen. Okay? 算了吧 这不可能 明白吗?
  [02:18.52]Everybody just needs to get that through their head. 每个人都应该有这样的意识
  [02:20.80]Just cook the meat, and you’ll be fine. 好好地煮熟牛肉 这就够了
  [02:26.36]I can’t believe I’m hearing this. 你说的一切简直难以置信
  [02:28.60]You’ve known all about this? 你对这一切一直都很清楚吗?
  [02:30.68]I’m shocked. 太震惊了
  [02:34.40]Donny boy, you just gotta try and step back and look at the big picture. 唐尼老兄 你应该退一步 把眼光放得远一点
  [02:39.92]40,000 people die in automobile accidents every year. 每年有4万人死于车祸
  [02:42.68]Does that mean Detroit should stop making cars? 这就意味着底特律要停产汽车吗?
  [02:44.96]Does it? 有必要吗?
  [02:47.64]- Of course not. - (Sighs) 当然不
  [02:51.40]- What’s that have to do with anything? - It’s beautiful down there. -这个问题和我们的话题有关系吗? -那里非常非常漂亮
  [02:51.84]You ever been down to Mexico? 你去过墨西哥吗?
  [02:54.20]Really beautiful. Great beaches. Gorgeous. 美不胜收的海滩 太美了!
  [02:58.56]But poor. Poor. 但就是穷 穷
  [03:02.76]Poorest fuckin’place I ever been, I think. 他妈的是我见过世界上最穷的地方
  [03:03.24]Guy down there makes three, maybe four dollars a day. 那里的男人每天只挣3到4美元
  [03:09.00]A day, Don. 一天 唐
  [03:11.00]Now, that same guy, he comes up here... 现在 同样一个人 来到这里
  [03:12.48]he gets a job workin’ for U.M.P. - 得到为一份为U.M.P效劳的工作
  [03:16.48]makin’ $10 an hour. 每个小时就能赚10美元
  [03:18.76]That’s more money in one day than he makes back home in a whole month. 他在这里的日薪就要比在家乡的月薪还要多
  [03:22.36]So, frankly, I don’t see the problem. 坦白讲 我看不出有任何问题
  [03:25.80]Nobody’s makin’ these people come up here. Right? 没人逼他们来 对吗?
  [03:29.52]Nobody’s tellin’ them to come work for U.M.P. 也没人非得让他们为U.M.P工作
  [03:34.08]- Okay, okay. But that’s not the point. - And you know what? -好了好了 但这都不是重点 -你知道吗?
  [03:34.56]I admire these people. Okay? 我很羡慕他们
  [03:36.96]I really do. They’re hard workers. 真的 他们工作得非常努力
  [03:40.72]They’re workin’ hard, and they’re trying to improve their lives. Okay? 他们为改善生活条件而努力工作
  [03:44.60]Now, isn’t that what our ancestors did? 他们现在所做的一切 不就是我们祖先的翻版吗?
  [03:46.88]Isn’t that what made this country the great country that it is today? Huh? 正是通过这样的努力 才造就美国今日的发达 对吗?
  [03:49.88]And you wanna try and stop ’em? 你会阻止他们吗?
  [03:52.16]You wanna tell ’em that you know what’s best for ’em? 你敢说怎么做才能对他们最有利吗?
  [03:55.72]Well, most people don’t like to be told what’s best for ’em. 事实上大多数人都不喜欢受人操控
  [03:59.24]Well, what’s goin’ on at U.M.P. Is unacceptable. 够了 国际联合肉类加工厂现在发生的一切令我无法接受
  [04:03.12]And I’m gonna have to tellJack about all this. 回去后我会跟杰克全盘托出的
  [04:06.96]Oh. Gonna tellJack, huh? 噢 去向杰克告状哦?
  [04:18.12]I’ve been workin’ for this company almost 30 years. 我已经快为这家公司工作30年了
  [04:20.88]Hell, I grew up right down the street from the Nathans... 我就是在内森家附近的街道长大的
  [04:24.60]when we were all back in Muncie. 我们在蒙瑟(在印地安那州)时就认识
  [04:25.08]So, here’s my little piece of friendly advice to you, Donny boy. 唐尼老兄 给你点善意的建议
  [04:31.64]I’d be careful how close I got toJack. 我一直都很小心别和杰克靠得太近
  [04:37.08]See, your boyJack is about this close... 但老兄你给我听着  我和他的距离就这点
  [04:40.60]to gettin’ his tit caught in the ringer. 近得不能再近了
  [04:41.24]He’s under investigation, okay? 他自己也处在水深火热之中 知道吗?
  [04:44.76]Cookin’the books, paddin’his expense account. 窜改帐目 冲帐逃税
  [04:48.84]Not to mention bonin’ his own secretary, okay? 更别提他和秘书的风流韵事了 明白吗?
  [04:50.88]- And that is not the kind of company that we want to run. - Louise? -这并不是一家我们想要的完美公司 -路易斯?
  [04:56.16]That’s right. 没错
  [04:58.16]Your buddyJack’s got two, maybe three months before he’s out the door. 你兄弟杰克离走出困境 还有2到3月的时间
  [05:00.36]- Could be sooner. - He’s sleeping with Louise? -或许还能更快 -他和路易斯上过床了
  [05:03.12]And you know what, Don? 你知道吗 唐?
  [05:05.12]You should be thankin’ me instead of doin’ all this complainin’. 你应该谢谢我 而不是向我抱怨
  [05:10.20]I negotiated a hell of a good price with U.M.P. 我和U.M.P谈了一个那么好的价钱
  [05:11.80]Okay? I negotiated a great price for your fuckin’ meat. 明白吗?我他妈的为了你们的肉 谈了那么好的一笔生意
  [05:16.24]Hell, if it weren’t for me, there wouldn’t be no Big One, Don. 唐 如果没有我 就没有大块头
  [05:20.24]I’d like to see you find a supplier... 我倒想看看你是否可以找到个供应商
  [05:22.24]that will sell you Grade "A" chuck at 40 cents a pound. 会以40美分一磅的价钱卖给你A等牛肉
  [05:26.28]I’d like to see that. 我真的很想看看
  [05:27.60]Have-Have you ever met Louise? 你见过路易斯吗?
  [05:32.16]Have I ever met her? 我见过路易斯吗?
  [05:32.88]Twenty years ago, I gave her that job. 20年前 就是我给她这份工作的
  [05:37.16]She was a good-lookin’ woman back then too. 她当时是个美丽的女子
  [05:42.92]It is a sad fact oflife, Don. 唐 这就是生活的悲哀之处
  [05:47.28]But the truth is... 但事实是
  [05:48.96]we all have to eat a little shit from time to time. 我们有时就得吃点屎
  [05:51.44]But just for the record, I want you to know that I’m with you on this. 但我郑重声明  我是和你站在同一立场上的
  [05:55.80]Okay? I really am. I’m gonna go down there. 我的确是和你站在一起的 我马上会去那边
  [05:59.80]I’m gonna see what the hell’s goin’ on. 看看那里到底发生了什么
  [06:01.80]If I have to, I’m gonna kick some ass. 如果有必要 我会给他们点颜色瞧瞧
  [06:04.20]You know what, Harry? 你知道吗 哈里
  [06:06.88]I don’t think that’s gonna be good enough. 我认为这样做还不够
  [06:10.40]You seem like a real bright guy, Don. 唐 你看上去还挺聪明伶俐
  [06:16.48]I’d hate to see you get caught up in something you couldn’t get out of. 我不希望你最后陷入泥潭 难以自拔
  [06:19.36]Give it some thought. 好好想想吧
  [06:23.84]Why don’t you take some of these fries home with you? 何不考虑带点薯条回家?
  [06:27.04]I’m not gonna finish ’em. 我吃不下了
  [06:31.60](Deep Breath)
  [06:35.36]No. No, it’s not that simple. 不不 事情没那么简单
  [06:42.12]There is something definitely weird going on between Jack and Harry... 杰克和哈里之间的确心存芥蒂
  [06:46.44]and, either way, I can lose this job. 随便偏向哪一方  我都会丢了这份工作
  [06:46.52]Either way. 随便偏向哪一方
  [06:52.00]No. No, we’re not gonna move again. That’s- 不不 我们不能再搬了 这…
  [06:55.88]That’s not gonna happen. 不能再搬了
  [06:58.04]Well, just tellJay to wait a moment. 告诉杰伊再等会儿
  [07:00.72]This is important. Well, have him wait! 现在在谈正事 让他先等着!
  [07:10.20]Yeah. 好的
  [07:13.68]I’ll- I’ll talk to you later. 那我呆会儿再和你说
  [07:38.08]No, no. Look, Jack, it’s gone great. 不不 杰克 一切进行得很顺利
  [07:41.48]I, uh- I’ve been out to the plant. I spoke to some workers. 我刚从加工厂里出来 和几个工人谈了谈
  [07:45.48]I even tracked down this old rancher... 还找到了一个老农场主
  [07:49.32]who’s dealt with these guys for years. 他和那些人斗了好几年
  [07:51.60]So, there’s a lot of things, but- 那里发生了很多事情 但是…
  [07:54.12]Yeah. No, of course I met with Harry. 是的 我当然和哈里见了面
  [07:56.80]Yeah. He’s-He’s a- interesting guy. You were right. 是的 他为人风趣 你说的没错
  [08:00.68]But l- I don’t think that he’s... a crook. 但我认为他不是个骗子
  [08:06.72]Well, I don’t know. 我不知道
  [08:12.60]All right. 好吧
  [08:15.68]Then, uh... 接着 呃…
  [08:18.80]I would probably recommend... 我觉得应该这样…
  [08:19.16]we do some additional testing... 我们再去做些检验
  [08:22.96]in the near future.
  [08:25.20]See what that shows. 看看出来的报告会是什么样的
  [08:32.36]Yeah. 恩
  [08:34.28]- Will you be keeping this on your American Express? - Sure. -您想用美国运通信用卡支付吗? -当然
  [08:38.24]- I have three pay-per-view movies at 7.95 each. - Uh-huh. -您看了三部计次电影 每部7.95美元
  [08:39.36]- I have three pay-per-view movies at 7.95 each. - Uh-huh.
  [08:42.52]- Would you like to join our Executive Guest Advantage program? - No. -您想加入我们的精英客户优惠计划吗? -不想
  [08:45.68]- Did you enjoy your stay with us? - Not really. - 我们的服务您满意吗? - 不太满意
  [08:51.16]- Were you here on business or pleasure? - Business. -你来这是出差还是旅行 -出差
  [08:54.84]Is there anything we can do in the future to make your stay with us more enjoyable? 为了我们将来能更好地服务于您 您对此有什么建议吗?
  [08:58.84]You can give me my bill. 给我帐单吧
  [09:01.32]Bye-bye, Mr. Anderson. Have a great day. 拜拜 安德森先生 祝您旅途愉快