

  [00:25.24](Grunts, Exhales)
  [00:56.08](Toilet Flushes)
  [01:08.60]- (Door Opens) - (Cart Rattling)
  [01:42.80]Last night, hombre. 伙计 昨晚
  [01:47.48]- (Machinery Whirring) - (Saw Grinding)
  [02:20.28](Impact Shot)
  [04:23.60]小心 小姐
  [04:27.80]没问题的 亲爱的
  [04:37.60]-马吉 -什么事?
  [04:41.84](Woman) Okay, Mike. 好的 迈克
  [04:51.80]只要你掌握技巧 这一点都不难
  [06:04.60]够了 走吧
  [06:29.80]你好 伙计们
  [07:10.12]Which all adds up to us believing that next quarter... 所有的一切数据都向我们表明 下一季度…
  [07:13.52]will be the best time to introduce a major new product. 将是推出我们新产品的最佳时机
  [07:18.60]And along those lines, um- 根据这些数据…
  [07:21.28]Don, you wanna take it from here? 唐 你能在这儿向大家介绍下吗?
  [07:24.56]Yeah. Um- 好的
  [07:27.24]Well, as you all know, the Barbecue Big One... 正如各位所知 大块头的烤烧味
  [07:28.40]has been testing off the charts for months. 的研发已经持续好几个月了
  [07:32.00]And, uh, I really feel like... 我认为
  [07:35.88]the marketing department’s nailed the campaign, Jack. 市场部已经做好了营销计划 杰克
  [07:39.48]So, it’s obviously time for the big launch. And... 很显然 对于新品发布
  [07:45.44]we couldn’t be more ready to go. 我们已经准备得相当充分了