
   [00:07.18]Oh, Belle. 哦,贝尔

  [00:09.50]C’est la vie. (鬼话^_^)
  [00:14.22]Still, um, we’re lucky in lots ofways. 但我们还是很幸运的
  [00:17.34]But surely that’s worth a brownie. ( Chuckling ) 这无疑值得上一块蛋糕
  [00:22.98]Well, I don’t know. Look at William. 先看看威廉怎么说吧
  [00:25.50]-Very unsuccessful professionally. -That’s true. -事业极其失败 -这是事实
  [00:28.90]Divorced. Used to be handsome, now kind of squidgy round the edges. 离了婚. 曾经很英俊,现在则象卷了口的刀刃
  [00:35.10]-( All Laughing ) -And absolutely certain never to hear from Anna again... 一旦安娜听到他在学校时的外号...
  [00:38.86]-once she’s heard that his nickname at school was-- -Floppy. -毫无疑问他将再也听不到她这么说-- -"软蛋"
  [00:42.26]You did. I can’t believe it, you did. 我不敢相信你竟然说出来了
  [00:45.70]Thanks very much. Thank you. Well, at least I get the last brownie. 非常感谢,谢谢,至少我得到了最后的蛋糕
  [00:46.98](Max) I think so,yes. 我想是这样
  [00:50.90]Well, wait. What about me? 等等,我呢?
  [00:52.34]I’m sorry? You think you deserve the brownie? 什么?你觉得应该归你吗?
  [00:55.60]( Chuckles ) Well, a shot at it at least, huh? 至少得给个机会吧?
  [01:01.66]You’ll have to prove it. This is a very, very good brownie, and I’m gonna fight for it. 你得有说服力,这是块非常非常好的蛋糕, 我能为了它拼命
  [01:05.66]I’ve been on a diet every day since I was 19, 我从十九岁起就每天节食
  [01:09.86]which basically means I’ve been hungry for a decade. 所以十年来我都食不果腹
  [01:13.94]( All Laughing )
  [01:16.26]I’ve had a series of not-nice boyfriends, one ofwhom hit me. 我有过一系列糟糕的男朋友, 有一个还打过我
  [01:18.46]Uh, and every time I get my heart broken, 而每一次都令我心碎
  [01:21.38]the newspapers splash it about as though it’s entertainment. 报纸会大肆张扬拿来娱乐大众
  [01:27.70]And... it’s taken two rather painful, um, operations... 经过两次相当痛苦的...整容手术
  [01:32.82]to get me looking like this. 才变成现在的样子
  [01:34.74]-Really? -Really. -真的吗? -真的
  [01:39.98]And one day not long from now, my looks will go, 在不久的将来,我的容颜不再
  [01:43.66]they will discover I can’t act, 他们会发现我不能演戏
  [01:48.82]and I will become some sad, middle-aged woman... 而我将成为可悲的中年妇女...
  [01:52.74]who... Iooks a bit like someone who was famous for a while. 有谁会愿意看过气的名人呢?
  [02:05.66]No, nice try, gorgeous, but you don’t fool anyone. 说得不赖,很动人,不过愚弄不了任何人
  [02:06.54]-( All Laughing ) -No. 没错
  [02:10.66]Pathetic effort to hog the brownie. 不足以争夺这块蛋糕
  [02:13.90]-Thank you for such a terrific time. -I’m delighted. -谢谢你的款待 -是我的荣幸
  [02:17.58]-That’s a great tie. -Now you’re lying. -领带很漂亮 -说假话
  [02:20.10]Okay, it’s true. I told you I was bad at acting. 不,是实话. 我说过我是个糟糕的演员
  [02:24.46]-It was lovely to meet you. -Yeah, and you.And you. -很高兴认识你 -我也是
  [02:24.82]I’ll wait until you’ve gone before I tell him you’re a vegetarian. 我会等到你走时才告诉他你是素食主义者
  [02:30.10]-No! ( Chuckling ) -Oh!
  [02:31.86]-Good night. -Anna, I’m so sorry about the loo thing. -晚安 -安娜,洗手间的事我很抱歉
  [02:36.58]I meant to leave. I just-- ( Chuckles ) 我想到要走开,只是--
  [02:39.54]Ring me if you want someone to go shopping with. 如果要找人陪你购物就给我电话
  [02:41.14]I know lots of nice, cheap places, not that money is necessarily-- 我知道很又好又便宜的地方, 可以少花冤枉钱--
  [02:45.34]It was just so nice to meet you. 认识你真是太好了
  [02:47.66]Happy birthday. You’re my style guru. Thank you. -生日快乐,你是我的形象顾问 -谢谢
  [02:50.06]Sorry. Can I just-- Oh. 对不起,我能--
  [02:51.62]-Thanks. -Leave her. -谢谢 -好了
  [02:54.34]-Good night, everyone. -Bye. -晚安,各位 -再见
  [02:56.02]( William ) Max, Belle, we’ll see you in a couple of days. 马克,贝尔,回头见
  [02:58.42]-Thank you, everybody. -Call us. Call us. -Bye, guys. -谢谢大家 -给我们电话 -再见,各位
  [03:02.38]-Bye, Anna. -Love your work. -再见,安娜 -好好演戏
  [03:03.90]( William ) Bye, Hon. 再见,汉
  [03:06.38]( Screaming, Shouting )
  [03:08.06](Screaming, Shouting Continue )
  [03:12.54]Sorry. They always do that when I leave the house. 抱歉,每次我离开时他们总是这么做
  [03:17.30]It’s a stupid thing. I hate it. 这太蠢了,我讨厌他们这样
  [03:28.06]-"Floppy," huh? -It’s the hair. -"软蛋"对吧? -是头发
  [03:32.70]Mm-hmm. It’s to do with the hair. 那是指的发型
  [03:36.78]Why is she in a wheelchair? 为什么她要坐轮椅?
  [03:40.02]Uh, because she had an accident about 1 8 months ago. 一年半前她出了意外
  [03:44.22]-And the pregnancy thing, is that to do with the accident? -You know, I’m not sure. -不能怀孩子也是因为那次意外吗? -这个我也不清楚
  [03:48.46]I don’t think they tried for kids before, as fate would have it. 我觉得他们之前就不能生孩子, 似乎是先天性的
  [03:57.78]Do you want to, um-- 你想不想--
  [04:00.70]My place is just, um-- 我家, 唔--
  [04:04.02]Too complicated. 不太方便
  [04:06.70]That’s fine. 没关系
  [04:09.66]( Chuckles )
  [04:13.22]Busy tomorrow? 明天忙吗?
  [04:17.62]-I thought you were leaving tomorrow. -I was. -我以为你明天要走呢 -是啊
  [04:23.70]All these streets round here have these mysterious communal gardens in the middle of them. 这些神秘的花园被街道环绕着...
  [04:29.74]They’re like little villages. Let’s go in. -就象小村庄一样 -我们进去吧
  [04:30.10]Ah, no, that’s the point. They’re private villages. 不行,栅栏上有尖刺,是私家花园
  [04:34.34]Only the people who live round the edges are allowed in. 只有住在里面的人才能进去
  [04:35.86]Oh. You abide by rules like that? 哦,你们这么守规矩吗?
  [04:40.94]I don’t. No, no. But others do. 我不会,不会,但其他人会
  [04:41.14]I just do what I want. ( Metal Rattling ) 我会随心所欲地做
  [04:44.62]Um-- Right. 好吧
  [04:50.58]Whoopsidaisies. ( Laughing ) 妈妈咪呀
  [04:52.70]What did you say? 你说什么?
  [04:56.70]-Nothing. -Yes, you did. -没说什么 -不,你说了
  [04:57.70]-No, I didn’t. -You said, "Whoopsidaisies." -没,我没说 -你说了,"妈妈咪呀"
  [05:02.34]No one says, "Whoopsidaisies," do they? I mean, unless they’re-- 没人会这么说对吗?我是说,除非他们--
  [05:05.50]There is no "unless." Because no one has said "Whoopsidaisies" for 50 years. 没有什么"除非", 因为有五十年没人这么说了
  [05:09.58]And even then it was-- it was just little girls with blonde ringlets. 即便在那时候--也只有金发小女孩才这么说
  [05:13.58]Exactly. Right. So here we go again. 的确是这样.我们再试试
  [05:18.98]Oh! Oh! Whoopsidaisies. ( Laughing ) 噢,噢,妈妈咪呀
  [05:24.30]Yeah, well, it’s a disease. It’s a clinical thing. 没错,这是个坏习惯,是个毛病
  [05:25.66]I’m taking pills and having injections. And I’m told it won’t last long. 我要吃药打针,得治好它
  [05:28.38]-Okay, stand aside. -I don’t think that’s a good idea. -好了,靠边站 -这可不是什么好主意
  [05:31.02]Really, it’s quite, um, tricky. Anna. 真的很难爬上去,安娜
  [05:36.98]Anna, don’t. It’s harder than it-- No, it’s not. It’s easy. 安娜,别,这可比--看来还真容易
  [05:47.46](Birds Chirping)
  [05:48.10]Come on, Flopsy. 来吧,"软蛋"
  [05:49.78]Right. 好吧
  [05:52.34]All right. 好吧
  [05:56.34]( Grunts ) Oh, bugger. 哦,该死
  [05:59.82]Oh, God, this could be very unpleasant. 老天,这真让人不舒服
  [06:06.74]Ay! Bugger, bugger. 可恶,可恶
  [06:12.06]Now what in the world in this garden could make that ordeal worthwhile? 世上还有什么值得如此大费周章?
  [06:22.06]~ It’s amazing how you ~ ~ 多么令人惊喜 ~
  [06:24.98]~ Can speak right to my heart~ ~ 你与我心有灵犀 ~
  [06:31.10]Nice garden. 好一座花园
  [06:32.86]~ Without saying a word~ ~ 尽在不言中 ~
  [06:35.66]~ You can light up the dark~ ~ 你能照亮黑夜 ~
  [06:43.58]( Anna Laughs ) ~ Try as I may I can never explain ~ ~ 不需要任何言语 ~
  [06:49.34]~ What I hear when you don’t say a thing ~ ~ 我能听到你的心声 ~
  [06:59.06]~ You say it best ~ ~ You say it best ~ ~ 你说这是最好的 ~
  [07:00.02]~ When you say nothing at all ~ ~ 尽管你没说出来 ~
  [07:03.70]"For June who loved this garden. "纪念深爱这花园的琼
  [07:06.34]From Joseph who always sat beside her." 永远陪伴着她的约瑟夫"
  [07:15.34]Some people do spend their whole lives together. 有些人可以携手走过一生一世
  [07:25.62]~ All day long I can hear ~ ~ 我能够听到 ~
  [07:26.62]~ People talking out loud~ ~ 有人在大声呼喊 ~
  [07:28.50]~ (Background Singers Humming)
  [07:34.90]~ But when you hold me near ~ ~ When you hold me near ~ ~ 当你让我靠近拥抱着我 ~
  [07:39.70]~ You drown out the crowd~ ~ Out the crowd~ ~ 你的声音分外清晰 ~
  [07:44.82]-~ Try as they may they can never define ~ -Come and sit with me. -~ 旁人永远不会明白 ~ -过来坐
  [07:50.14]~ What’s been said between your heart and mine ~ ~ 你我的心曾说过什么 ~
  [07:56.62]~ The smile on your face lets me know that you need me ~ ~ 你的笑容让我知道你需要我 ~
  [08:01.82]~ There’s a truth in your eyes ~ ~ 你的眼睛已经告诉我 ~
  [08:04.66]-~ Saying you’ll never leave me ~ -Bollocks! Bollocks! -~ 你永远不会离开我 ~ -该死,该死
  [08:08.14]-Have you seen my glasses? -No, afraid not. -你看到我的眼镜没有? -恐怕没有
  [08:10.54]Big, big bollocks! Average day, my glasses are everywhere. 这下麻烦了,平时它无处不在
  [08:14.94]Everywhere I look there’s a pair of glasses. 随时随地我都能看到它
  [08:15.54]But when I want to go to the cinema, they’ve vanished. 可我要去看电影时它却消失了
  [08:20.30]It’s one of life’s real cruelties. 这就是残酷的现实
  [08:21.98]That’s compared to, like, earthquakes in the Far East or testicular cancer, is it? 就象远东地震或者睾丸癌一样无可奈何
  [08:23.54]Oh, shit. Is that the time? 可恶,到时间了
  [08:26.90]~ ( Continues) Thanks for all your help on the glasses thing. 真是多谢你的开导
  [08:28.86]Oh, you’re welcome. Did you find them? 不客气,找到没有?
  [08:32.18]-Sort of. -Great. -差不多 -很好
  [08:43.82]~ Oh, the smile on yourface lets me know that you need me ~ ~ 你的笑容让我知道你需要我 ~
  [08:49.02]~ There’s a truth in your eyes ~ ~ 你的眼睛已经告诉我 ~
  [08:52.30]~ Saying you’ll never leave me ~ ~ 你永远不会离开我 ~
  [08:57.42]~ The touch of your hand says you’ll catch me wherever I fall~~ ~ 你的触摸告诉我你总能找到我 ~
  [09:01.60]So who left who? 是谁抛弃谁?
  [09:04.18]-Uh, she left me. -Why? -她抛弃我 -为什么?
  [09:06.58]She saw through me. Uh-oh. 她看透了我
  [09:09.60]That’s not good. 这可不妙
  [09:14.58]You can give me Anna Scott any day. 你可以请我看安娜-斯科特
  [09:17.42]I didn’t like her last film. Fell asleep as soon as the lights went down. 我不喜欢她的新片,让人昏昏欲睡
  [09:19.18]I don’t really care what the film’s like. 我不在乎电影怎么样
  [09:21.50]Any film with her in, it’s fine by me. 只要有她的影片我都觉得好
  [09:23.38](Men Laughing)
  [09:24.82]She’s not my type at all. I prefer the other one. You know, blonde, sweet-looking. 她不是我喜欢的类型, 我喜欢那个金发的甜姐儿
  [09:31.38]You know, what’s-her-name. 她叫什么来着
  [09:33.06]Has an orgasm every time you take her out for a cup of coffee. 你只要带她出去喝杯咖啡就能上床的
  [09:35.58]No, she’s too wholesome. The point about Miss Scott is... 不,她不是那种人. 问题是安娜-斯科特...
  [09:36.14]Meg Ryan. 梅格-瑞恩
  [09:40.06]she’s got that twinkle in her eyes. 她的眼神不对劲
  [09:42.58]Probably drug-induced. Spends most of her life in bloody rehab. 她多半有吸毒,时常进康复中心
  [09:47.18]Well, whatever. She’s so clearly up for it. 不管怎样,她非常豪放
  [09:48.42]You see, most girls, they’re all like, "Stay away, chum." 要知道大多数女孩都比较自重
  [09:50.98]But Anna, she is absolutely gagging for it. 但安娜却是来者不拒
  [09:54.98]( Men Laughing )
  [09:56.66]Do you know that in over 50% of the languages, 知道吗,有超过半数的人认为
  [10:00.50]the word for "actress" is the same as the word for "prostitute." 女演员和妓女是同一回事