
   [00:03.54]- Let’s play it by ear. - This is a great program. - 听过就算了 - 这个计划越来越妙了

  [00:05.54]Hey, deranged fan guy. Apologize! 嘿,神经病粉丝!快道歉!
  [00:14.58]- Bird watching? - Duck hunting. - 用来观察候鸟? - 用来猎鸭子
  [00:19.62]No one can even tell it’s you in the video. 没人能认出录像里的那个人是你
  [00:24.70]And, besides, you’re more popular now than ever before. 再说了,你现在的人气蹿了不少
  [00:26.90]I mean, everybody loves the whole "deranged fan, apologize" thing. “神经病粉丝”还有“快道歉” 已经人尽皆知了
  [00:32.66]What do you think would happen to Brian Williams’ career 如果布莱恩·威廉姆斯被人捉奸在床
  [00:33.34]I’m glad you’re amused. 你还笑得出来,不错啊
  [00:35.14]if he were caught on tape with someone else’s wife? 他的事业会是个什么样子?
  [00:37.14]Who the hell’s that? 那家伙是谁啊?
  [00:39.26]Never mind. 算了
  [00:40.90]The point is, it would be O-V-E-R. 重点在于,这事儿彻底结束了
  [00:43.14]Don’t be dramatic, all right? Look at Paris Hilton. 别太小题大做了,看看帕丽斯·希尔顿
  [00:48.70]Clinton, for that matter. 还有克林顿
  [00:49.74]This could be the thing that gets you a national spot. 这件事也许能让你风靡全国
  [00:51.62]I don’t know. 我不知道哦
  [00:56.06]Maybe I should hire my own PR person. 也许我该给自己找个发言人了
  [00:57.90]Don’t you have to go to work? 你还不去上班?
  [01:01.86]Yeah. I gotta go. 对,我得走了
  [01:03.38]See ya. 再见
  [01:11.90]Hello. 你好
  [01:14.18]Hey, it’s me. 是我
  [01:16.82]Uh, I just, uh... 呃,我只想…
  [01:17.34]Oh. What’s up? 哦,什么事?
  [01:20.90]I just want to know if you want me to pick you up for dinner tomorrow night. 我只想问,明天晚饭要不要我来接你
  [01:23.74]Yeah, that’s fine. 好吧,你来吧
  [01:31.38]What’s that noise? 什么声音?
  [01:31.62]Oh, it’s, uh... Sergeant’s watching TV. 呃…我哥在看电视
  [01:35.42]Oh. How is Sarge? 哦,你哥他还好么?
  [01:35.82]Uh, he’s good. You know... You know him. He’s always happy. 他还不错,你知道他的,他一直很开心的
  [01:40.86]That’s true. 这倒是真的
  [01:41.90]Tell him I said hi. I gotta stop by the store. 请代我向他问好,我打算去店里看他
  [01:43.46]My dad said it’s, like, totally amazing. 我爸说那个计划棒极了
  [01:46.58]Oh, gross. 唉,太肥了
  [01:48.42]Come on. You have a great ass. 瞎说,你的屁股很漂亮
  [01:50.58]What? 什么?
  [01:52.66]I was just, uh, thinking how great your body is. 我只是突然想到了你的身材,太棒了
  [01:53.70]Nothing. I was just... 没什么,我只是…
  [01:57.86]You were thinking about my butt? 你正在想我的屁股?
  [01:59.54]It’s just when you said gross... 因为你说太肥了,所以我就…
  [02:00.26]Oh, so I said gross, and you thought of my butt. 哦,我说肥,你就能想到我的屁股
  [02:02.14]No. That’s what you say when you check it out sometimes. 是因为你在看屁股的时候,总这么说
  [02:09.30]Bill, I can see you. 比尔,我都看见你了
  [02:14.86]What the hell are you doing? 你到这里来干嘛?
  [02:17.54]I need some clothes. 我需要拿一点衣服
  [02:20.46]Jesus Christ, Bill. 我的老天
  [02:24.54]I’m sorry. 我很抱歉
  [02:26.90]I just don’t understand what you see in that guy. 我只是不明白,你看中那家伙哪一点
  [02:33.50]Stop spying on me. 别再监视我了
  [02:41.14]I’ll pick you up at 7 tomorrow night. 我明晚七点来接你
  [02:44.74]Tell your little friend I saw him. 跟你的小朋友打个招呼,我也看见他了
  [03:07.94]The most important thing is that you treat tomorrow like a first date. 最最关键的一点 你得把明天吃饭当作是初次相遇
  [03:12.90]All right? You gotta buy some new clothes, and you’re gonna bring her flowers. 你得去买新衣服,还得给她买束花
  [03:15.14]It’s gonna make her feel like you really care. 得让她明白,你是真的在乎她
  [03:18.54]- What’s going on? - We’re upgrading the package. - 你们在干嘛? - 系统升级
  [04:13.94]What are you doing here? 你来这儿干嘛?
  [04:16.46]Taking a shower. 来洗澡啊
  [04:18.78]Does this count as part of the five hours per week? 这能算在五小时的辅导时间里么?
  [04:22.82]Would you write me a note so I don’t get detention for being late? 你能不能给我写张条 无故迟到要关禁闭的
  [04:27.82]No. 不行
  [04:32.74]Hey. I guess I’ll see you after school. 今天放学后能见面吗
  [04:34.14]I won’t be there. 不行
  [04:35.82]I have to buy some new clothes. Sorry. 我得去买新衣服,对不起
  [04:39.74]Cool. We’ll go to the mall. 那好,我们一起去商场
  [04:43.38]- Hey, Mr. Rose. - Aren’t you late for class? - 你好,罗斯老师 - 你是不是上课迟到了?
  [04:45.06]Bill’s signing a note for me. 比尔正打算给我写条呢
  [04:46.94]Oh, really? 真的?
  [04:48.14]Um, well, that’s not exactly how it works. 呃,光说不能作数的
  [04:57.50]You’re really lucky I don’t report you. 没把你的情况上报,你小子够运气的
  [05:00.14]- Come on. He’s my mentor. - Look, move it. - 别这么说,他是我的导师啊 - 快,快走吧
  [05:04.06]All right. Bill, I’ll see you later. 好吧,一会儿见,比尔
  [05:05.74]Tuck in the shirt. 衬衫下摆收到裤腰里去