
   [00:07.16]We drop the shoulders... 放下肩

  [00:10.48]we think tall... 想像很高
  [00:13.76]we tuck under and transfer the weight... 卷起来. 隐藏重量
  [00:15.16]from one foot to-- 从一条腿
  [00:19.80]No. Princesses never cross their Legs in public. 不. 公主永远不会在公共场合跷腿
  [00:21.72]Why don’t you just tuck one ankle behind the other... 为何不把脚踝藏在另一个后面
  [00:24.10]and place the hands gracefully on the knees. 文雅的把手放在膝盖上
  [00:32.56]Charlotte, I think it’s time for tea. 查尔多. 我想该是喝茶的时间了
  [00:35.80]MIA: Tell me, how does my mother-- 告诉我. 我母亲
  [00:38.88]or, really, any person, for that matter-- 或任何人. 为了那件事
  [00:40.68]go into a parent-teacher conference... 去参加家长-老师会议
  [00:44.96]and come out with a date? 然后出来的时候有后约?
  [00:45.08]Mia, Mr. O’Connell is not married... 米亚. 奥克尼尔没有结婚
  [00:49.64]he’s not living with anyone... 他一个人住
  [00:50.12]plus he’s not pierced, tattooed, or hair-plugged. 而且他没有纹身. 烫发
  [00:53.60]Do you realize how rare that is south of Market Street? 你知道这在商业街是多么少见吗?
  [00:57.88]Did it ever occur to you... 你想过没有
  [01:00.68]that if you dated one of my teachers... 如果你和我的老师约会
  [01:02.68]it would give the other kids... 会令其他孩子
  [01:05.04]License to mock me for the rest of my life? 有嘲笑我余生的把柄?
  [01:09.80]No, you’re right. I didn’t, and I’m sorry. 不. 对. 我没有. 抱歉
  [01:11.00](Sighs) 只是柏奇克
  [01:13.20]It’s just that Patrick--
  [01:16.80]Mr. O’Connell-- is such a nice man. 奥克尼尔先生是这么好的人
  [01:19.24]He’s a real gentleman... 他是真正的绅士
  [01:22.04]Ok. It’s--it’s fine. 没事的
  [01:22.64]and I haven’t met one of those in a long, long time. 我很久没有这样的机会了
  [01:29.60](Meow) 快点. 去抢
  [01:29.92]I just can’t do anything right anymore, can I? 我现在什么也不能作. 对吗?
  [01:32.76]-Come on, get her! -In your face!
  [01:33.40]BO YS: Come on! Go for it! 快点. 抓住她. 你的脸上
  [01:34.76]Aah, aah, aah!
  [01:37.68]HARBULA: Come on, come on! 快点
  [01:39.12]Just block one, Mia! 只挡住一个. 米亚
  [01:43.12]I can’t do this. I’m a girl. 我作不来. 我是女孩
  [01:44.08]What am I, a duck? 我是什么?鸭子?
  [01:46.00]No! I mean... You’re an athletic girl. 不. 我是说. 你是运动员
  [01:48.88]I am a synchronized swimming, yoga-doing... 我是游泳健将
  [01:51.04]horseback-riding, wall-climbing-type girl. 骑马. 爬墙的女孩
  [01:54.56]My hand-eye coordination is zero. 我的手眼合作是零
  [01:57.36]ALL right, you can go again later. 行了. 稍后再来
  [01:58.40]Josh! Get in here. 乔斯. 过来
  [02:00.72]Yeah, I’m in. 我来了
  [02:02.12]So, I was watching you earlier... 我较早在看你
  [02:05.52]and you’re way tense. 你很紧张
  [02:06.76]Soft kisses on a summer’s day... 夏日之吻
  [02:06.88]You know what I’m saying? 明白我说什么吗
  [02:12.92]You gotta think like the ball. Be the ball. 你得像球一样思考. 成为球
  [02:15.64]You gotta stop it, know what I mean? 你得停下. 明白我的意思吗?
  [02:16.60]-Heh? -Heh.
  [02:19.72]Bring it on. 放马过来
  [02:26.48]-Hey, Joe? -Mm-hmm? 乔?
  [02:28.84]I’m turning the back seat into a dressing room... 我要把后座变为化妆室
  [02:29.04]so I can change into a proper outfit for madame. 这样我可以为主太准备 像样的外套
  [02:32.92]Yes, well, don’t forget your shoes. 好. 别忘了你的鞋
  [02:35.60]Strange town, San Francisco. 奇怪的城市. 旧金山
  [02:36.00]Oh, thanks. 谢谢
  [02:37.10]When I purchased the pumps... 我去买水泵时
  [02:41.04]or if I wanted to wear them. 还是要穿上
  [02:41.56]they asked if I wanted them wrapped... 他们问我是否要包装
  [02:45.68]ALL right, closing. 好. 关上
  [02:49.72]Ah ah bop bop ba dop
  [02:51.68]Going up.
  [02:51.92]Oh oh bop bop ba dop 上坡  了
  [02:54.16]Come on and talk to me
  [02:55.08]Oh little bitty pretty one
  [02:58.96]You all right?
  [02:59.64]Let me grab you lovely one 你没事吧?
  [03:00.88]Yeah--oh--I’m fine. 没事
  [03:05.52]-Going down. -Whoo! 下坡
  [03:08.10]Oh oh bop bop ba dop
  [03:08.64]Oh oh bop bop ba dop
  [03:11.80]Oh oh bop bop ba dop
  [03:13.48]I’ve never put on pantyhose, but it sounds dangerous. 我从来不穿裤袜, 但似乎很危险
  [03:25.68]MIA: Grandma? Is it customary in Genovia... 奶奶?用餐巾困住你的客人
  [03:27.72]to imprison your dinner guests with Hermeez scarves? 在日内瓦是惯例吗?
  [03:30.44]CLARISSE: It’s Hermés. 是赫姆斯
  [03:34.36]The scarf is merely a training tool. 头巾只是训练工具
  [03:35.32]and eat properly without it. 而没有它的帮助
  [03:41.40]Manners matter. 礼貌是重要的
  [03:43.80]But enough etiquette for the day. 但今天的礼节够了
  [03:45.48]Now, Genovia does a lot of trade with Spain... 日内瓦和西班牙有很多交易
  [03:49.44]so we prepare for that. 所以我们为此作准备
  [03:49.48]The quickest way to a Spanish heart is dance. 进入西班牙人内心 最快的方法是跳舞
  [03:54.12]Shall we? 可以吗?
  [03:56.72]Now tell me, what kind of dancing do you do? 告诉我, 你想跳什么舞?
  [03:58.28]You know, like... 你知道就像
  [03:58.44]Dancing? Just the normal kind. 舞?普通的
  [04:01.52]Bom chicka bom bom
  [04:02.36]Bom tss um bom 我明白了
  [04:04.00]JOE: I see. 还有一种日内瓦舞
  [04:06.48]JOE: We have a Genovian alternative.
  [04:08.04](Dance music playing)
  [04:10.92]Now, the dances here are very sedate... 这种舞很稳重
  [04:14.40]right from the hips. In place. 从屁股开始. 站好
  [04:16.20]No bobbing of the head, please. 头不要动
  [04:19.40]It’s not a doggy on a dashboard. 不是狗在仪表板上
  [04:20.88]JOE: Straight up. 挺直
  [04:21.84]Let’s practice this here. 这里开始
  [04:23.08]Now, this dance is... 这种舞是
  [04:24.24]between a waltz and a tango, you see? 介于华尔兹舞和探戈舞之间 明白吗?       -
  [04:28.80]JOE: No. 不
  [04:29.72]MIA: It’s a wango? 是汪戈
  [04:31.12]ALL right, here we go. Spin out... 对了?转出去
  [04:35.36]and spin into me. Spin into--Uhh! 进来, 进来
  [04:37.36]-(Gasps) -Ok. 没事的
  [04:39.24]I--No, no, no, no. 我. 不. .
  [04:41.52]JOE: Try again. One more spin. 再来. 再来一次
  [04:43.36]Very quickly, now pull away. 很快. 退
  [04:44.92]That’s it. Good. 对了. 很好
  [04:48.72]Good attitude. Spin in. 好姿态. 进来
  [04:53.48]-Good. -I did it? 很好. 我做到了?
  [04:57.04]Grandma, I spun without hurting anyone! 奶奶. 我做到了
  [04:58.64]That’s very good news. 好消息
  [05:02.56]Spin, spin, spin. Yes, done. 转. . . 对了. 行了
  [05:02.64]Better. It’s coming along. 有进步
  [05:06.80]Now you may go home. 你可以回家了
  [05:08.60]Thank you! See you tomorrow! 谢谢. 明天见
  [05:14.64]Thank you, Joseph. 谢谢?乔斯福
  [05:17.32](Dance music playing)
  [05:20.88]You’ve been wearing black too long. 你穿黑色衣服太久了
  [06:04.88]P.A.: This is Coach Harbula. 这位是哈布拉教练
  [06:05.36]You can sign up now for the Baker Beach Party. 你们可以签约参加海滩派对
  [06:08.32]MIA: Oh! Sorry. Sorry. 抱歉. . .
  [06:10.60]JOSH: Hey, Bobby Bad! 鲍比
  [06:11.52]Sorry. 对不起
  [06:14.12]LILLY: Mia! Are you ready? 米亚. 准备好了吗?
  [06:16.08]Oh, hey. I’m really sorry... 很抱歉
  [06:16.36]but I can’t do it today. I’ve got a Grandma thing. 但我今天不能作 我祖母  有事找我
  [06:17.04]I’ll call you. Bye. 我打电话你. 拜拜
  [06:21.44]What? Has your grandma turned into the big bad wolf? 什么?你祖母变成了大恶狼?
  [06:24.56]JEREMIAH: Shazam. 萨兹姆
  [06:27.72]Cute, Jeremiah, but a way to a girl’s heart... 杰里米. 但要获得女孩的芳心
  [06:28.60]is not by treating her like a vending machine. 不是像自动贩卖机一样欺骗她
  [06:34.36]SPEAKER: Get off the grass! 走出草地
  [06:36.56](Message repeats in several languages)
  [06:43.20]Hi, Adolpho! I’m late! 奥多夫. 我迟到了
  [06:44.20]She’s late. 她迟到了
  [06:46.52]-You’re late. -I know. 你迟到了. 我知道
  [06:48.16]I’m really sorry about it-- 非常抱歉
  [06:49.80]-And where is Paolo? -Send in Paolo. 鲍罗在哪?叫鲍罗进来
  [06:53.68]CLARISSE: Ah! Always prompt. 永远及时
  [06:56.36](Italian accent) Regina Mia. Buon giorno. 莱基娜. 米亚
  [06:56.56]My assistant, Gretchen and Helga. 我的助手. 格莱谢和赫格
  [06:58.84]CLARISSE: Good afternoon. 下午好
  [07:01.20]We’re so pleased you could make yourself available. 很高兴你们能及时来到
  [07:03.92]Your Majesty. 女王
  [07:09.48]We won’t waste time. Let the work begin. 不要浪费时间. 现在开始
  [07:15.16]PAOLO: Ah. Of course. 当然
  [07:16.32]Where is the beautiful girl? 漂亮女孩在哪?
  [07:22.40]She is gorgeous. Let us take a closer look. 她很美. 近看一次
  [07:26.68]Paolo, we have a limited number of days... 鲍罗. 时间不多了
  [07:29.24]Frizzy, busy, dizzy. 卷发. 忙. 头晕
  [07:29.64]before the state dinner. 州宴餐马上就要到了
  [07:32.32]In the best sense. 最好的感觉
  [07:34.84]Oh, I would like it if your Ladies... 如果你们愿意签我们的机密文件
  [07:35.88]would also sign our confidential agreement. 我将很高兴
  [07:37.10]Majesty, they know what is a secret, eh? 女王. 知道什么是秘密吗?
  [07:42.00](Speaking foreign Language)
  [07:43.48]CHARLO TTE: Excuse me, Your Majesty. 抱歉. 女王
  [07:45.84]The Genovian press secretary’s waiting for your call. 日内瓦新闻秘书在等你的电话
  [07:46.16]Oh, yes, of course. 当然
  [07:47.96]Well, I’m afraid I’m going to have to Leave... 我想我得走了
  [07:50.20]and come back and be surprised. 回来给你们惊喜
  [07:50.84](Claps hands) 查尔多. 看紧他
  [07:52.92]Charlotte, watch him like a hawk.
  [08:04.12]PAOLO: Buerste, Helga! 布斯特, 赫格
  [08:07.64]Danke. 丹克
  [08:08.48]So we begin, Principessa, eh? 开始了. 公主?
  [08:12.08]you will be beautiful. 你会变得很漂亮
  [08:12.68]In Paolo’s hands, remember... 在鲍罗的手里. 记住
  [08:15.48]You have thick hair. 你的发很厚
  [08:17.92]Heh heh heh. 像一匹狼
  [08:20.12]Like a wolf.
  [08:21.40]Ow! 没事吧?
  [08:23.04]Is all right. Heh heh heh.
  [08:29.08]Do you wear contact lenses? 你会戴透镜吗?
  [08:31.96]Well, I have them... 我有
  [08:34.84]but I don’t really like to wear them that much. 但我不喜欢多戴
  [08:37.76]Now you do. 现在你喜欢了
  [08:39.92]You broke my glasses! 你打碎我的眼镜
  [08:42.60]You broke my brush. 你坏了我的梳子
  [08:44.60]PAOLO: Gretchen! Helga! Attack! 格莱谢, 赫格
  [08:50.04]PAOLO: I love your eyebrows. 我喜欢你的眉毛
  [08:51.64]We’ll call them ’’Frida’’ and ’’Kahlo. ’’ 我称之为弗里达和卡罗
  [08:53.72]lf Brooke Shields married Groucho Marx... 如果布鲁克和曼斯结婚
  [08:56.80]that child would have your eyebrows. 孩子一定有你的眼睛
  [09:02.56]Do you want to know a big secret? 想知道大秘密吗?
  [09:06.64]-Tell me. -The cucumber does nothing. 告诉我. 黄瓜什么也不做
  [09:08.68]Heh heh heh. This is something we make up. 这是我们制造的东西
  [09:29.44]Majesty, Paolo is exhausted... 女王. 鲍罗筋疲力尽了
  [09:31.20]because, Majesty, only Paolo can take this... 因为. 女王. 只有鲍罗能做到这个
  [09:34.72]and this... and give you... 还有这个. 给你
  [09:38.80]BOTH: A princess. 公主
  [09:55.48]Better. Much better. 好多了
  [09:57.92]Mille grazie. 米莉
  [09:59.92]Why don’t we go and have a wonderful cup of tea? 为何我们不  去喝杯茶?