美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2012-08-20(在线收听

 1. The White House says it's too early to determine the cause of a helicopter crash in southern Afghanistan. NATO says seven American troops and four Afghans died. The Taliban says insurgents shot down the Black Hawk.

2. Speaking in Ohio, Paul Ryan says President Barack Obama is out of new ideas, and his campaign is resorting to "fear and smear" to win a second term. Meantime, Mitt Romney is in South Carolina and Obama will resume campaigning Saturday in New Hampshire.
3. He’s been granted asylum in Ecuador, but Julian Assange isn't any closer to getting out of the country’s embassy in London. British authorities say if he leaves he’ll be arrested. The WikiLeaks founder is trying to avoid extradition to Sweden where he faces sex crime allegations.
4. And residents in Michigan are wondering who the new multimillionaire is. The state lottery says the one winning ticket in a $337 million Powerball drawing was purchased at a gas station about 45 miles north of Detroit.