

Snow Wear
Jackets and sweaters
Stockings and boots
Snug hats and mittens
Warm woolen suits
All bundled up
And ready to go
Out of the house
To play in the snow
Although I feel clumsy
In all of these clothes
I am so happy
Whenever it snows!
The snow fell softly all the night
It made a blanket soft and white
It covered houses and the ground
But did not make a single sound.
I made a great tall snowman
With two huge coal black eyes
Upon his rounded head
A hat that looks so nice
When I awoke next morning
Imagine my surprise
My snowman had run away
And left his hat and eyes!
Winter beauty
When it's winter in the country
And my breath hangs in the air
The snow will crunch beneath my feet
And glisten in the air
It's clear and crisp and beautiful
Where I walk on my own
The stars at night light up my world
So I never walk alone.
Winter night
Winter night, so hushed and still
The snow lay fluffy white
'Tis insulating all the world
And makes a wondrous sight.