
Strikes Hit South Africa



South Africa's gold miners and municipal workers are out on strike following a deadlock with their employers on wage talks. The strike in the gold mining industry is the most serious in nearly two decades.


The Chamber of Mines, an association of employers in the gold mining industry, says between 80- and 100,000 miners have put down their tools in support of pay demands. The unions, which are demanding increases of between seven and eight percent, depending on the job, declared a strike last week after they rejected an offer of 4.5 percent and five percent.


The employers then made a last minute revised offer that was around a percentage point higher, 5.25 percent and 6.5 percent. The unions said they would put the new offer to their members, but nevertheless elected to continue as planned with the strike.


The minimum wage at gold mines is $354 per month. South African gold mines are among the deepest in the world, and working conditions are hazardous, with miners facing severe heat and the constant threat of rock bursts.


A spokesman for the National Union of Mineworkers, Moferefere Lekorotsoana, says that, in addition, current allowances are insufficient to allow miners, many of whom come from rural areas, to bring their families to live with them near the mines.


Moferefere Lekorotsoana: The Chamber of Mines has not actually made any significant moves with regards to improvement of wages and also with issues related to the living out [living independently from the mine] allowance, which are very important issues to ours workers, precisely because our members are still forced to live in single sex hostels, and they would like to live with their own families.


South Africa remains the world's major gold producer, but declining production has reduced its share from 80 percent of the world's total output in 1970 to around 15 percent at present. Output last year was 342 tons. And, says the chamber's chief spokesman, Frans Barker, gold mines suffered an overall loss in the past year, something that did not occur even in the industry's worst crises in 1997.


Frans Barker: Well, if we look at what has happened for the last four quarters for which results are available, we have suffered for the first time in about 45 years since the rand currency has been introduced, it's the very first time that we have suffered a loss over these last four quarters.


The strike by three quarters of the industry's workforce, will cost some $20 million per day, almost all of it in foreign currency earnings.


One other union, representing a further 4,000 white miners is expected to join the strike late Monday.


Meanwhile, around 40 percent of South Africa's 200,000 municipal workers are also out on strike, demanding an eight percent increase. The municipal employers association has offered six percent. Buses are not operating and trash is not being collected.


Several workers were injured when police clashed with strikers in the port city of Durban and in Benoni, a town east of Johannesburg. Officials said protesting workers were damaging property and refusing to follow police orders. Last week, in a three-day warning strike, municipal strikers in Johannesburg overturned trash bins, causing litter to spread throughout the downtown area.


Delia Robertson, VOA News, Johannesburg.



municipal [mju(:)5nisipEl] adj. 市的,地方性的

the Chamber of Mines 矿业协会

revise [ri5vaiz] vt. 修订

minimum [5minimEm] adj. 最小的,最低的

hazardous [5hAzEdEs] adj. 危险的

National Union of Mineworkers 全国矿工联合会

allowance [E5lauEns] n. 津贴,补助

insufficient [7insE5fiFEnt] adj. 不足的,不够的

precisely [pri5sais] adj. 正是,用于加强语气

output [5autput] n. 产量

workforce [5wE:k5fC:s] n. 劳动力,工人总数

trash [trAF] n. 垃圾

Durban [5dE:bEn] n. 德班,南非东部港市

Benoni 贝诺宁

Johannesburg [dVEu5hAnisbE:^] n. 约翰内斯堡,南非东北部城市

litter [5litE] n. 垃圾
