音乐咖啡厅:Westlife - No More Heroes(在线收听

音乐咖啡厅:Westlife - No More Heroes

相关介绍 :有七张英国冠军专辑与14首冠军单曲的西城男孩让歌迷苦等两年,终於发行出道十年的第九张专辑《爱就在这里》,就在宣传正如火如荼展开时,万人迷尼基(Nicky Byrne)的爸爸惊传本月3日疑似因为心脏病骤逝都柏林,让男孩继团员奇恩(Kian)今年七月父亲因癌症过世后,再次遭逢打击!伤心的尼基停止所有宣传,马上从伦敦赶回都柏林家乡,他伤心难过表示,“去年老爸60岁大寿我还送他一台哈雷机车”。不过在歌迷与家人支持下,尼基走出丧父之痛,与西城男孩18日现身都柏林的耶诞点灯活动,专辑《爱就在这里》成为一张献给尼基与奇恩两位已故父亲的专辑,两位团员在专辑内页写下对父亲满满的怀念,叫人为之动容。

歌词 :

Song :No More Heroes
Artist :Westlife

When the waves are crashing down
Pulling you to sorrow
I will sail you back to shore
When there are no more heroes

Over under, near or far
I’ll be right beside you
Standing here with open arms
When there are no more heroes

And through it all
And through it all
When you’re tired and you stumble I will carry you
When starlight falls, my love will guide you home
You’ll never be alone
When there are no more heroes

It was you who showed me how
Brought me back to glory
Through hopelessness and darkest days
It was breath you gave me

And through it all
And through it all
When you’re tired and you stumble I will carry you
When starlight falls, my love will guide you home
You’ll never be alone
When there are no more heroes

And through it all
And through it all
When you’re tired and you stumble I will carry you
When starlight falls, my love will guide you home
You’ll never be alone
You’ll never be alone

And through it all
And through it all
When you’re tired and you stumble I will carry you
When starlight falls, my love will guide you home
You’ll never be alone
When there are no more heroes

When there are no more heroes
