音乐咖啡厅:Venke Knutson - Mary(在线收听

音乐咖啡厅:Venke Knutson - Mary

相关介绍:继Lene Marlin后又一来自北国的纯美音乐精灵。2004年的挪威乐坛因为一个美少女而充满惊喜。Venke Knutson,这个出生于挪威南部小镇的女 孩,音乐世家的背景赋予了她令人羡慕的音乐才华,美国的成长经历激发了她的灵感和天赋,使她 从一相懵懂的躺在草地上看星星的女孩成长为一个热爱音乐的才女。音乐对于她来说是一个事业而 推出了自己的处女大碟《Scared》其中她包揽了大部分的创作,与制作人和吉他手一起精心打造出 一张摇滚风味十足的精彩专辑。Venke Knutson那慵懒略带嘶哑的嗓音,靓丽的外形和精妙的音乐迅 速征服了歌迷,勇夺2004年挪威销量排行榜第一的位置。其中三首主打歌“Panic”,“Scared”和 “Kiss”作为单曲单独发行,均进入了销量排行榜的前十位,而“Kiss”更是稳坐电台播放率第一 的位置。这位来自北欧的摇滚精灵将用音乐与你对话,带给你不一样的感动,为你呈现一个精彩的 音乐世界。


Artist:Venke Knutson

If you\'re looking for Mary
She\'s no longer here
She left on a horseback
Few minutes ago
With her eyes catching fire
And her hands were in the air
And I think that she\'s forgotten
That her bills were due
Weeks ago

Clouds from hell
Carry her away
Fearless like
Angel knights
She rides into the darkness
Of her dizzy world
Arms and legs just floating
Flowing in the wildness of her deep blue dreams

The money was wasted
In a businessman\'s brew
The money was wasted
Now she\'s wasted too
With her eyes catching fire
And her body turned cold
And I think that she\'s forgotten
The way she breaths

Clouds from hell
Carry her away
Fearless like
Angel knights
She rides into the darkness
Of her dizzy world
Arms and legs just floating
Flowing in the wildness of her deep blue dreams
