英文原版对话1000个:1203 Food for Independence(在线收听

   Olga: How is Chilean Indepdence Day?

  Daniel: Well, Chilean Independence Day, it's in September.
  Olga: Yeah.
  Daniel: September the eighteenth but we have another holiday on the nineteenth so we take those two days plus probably Saturday and Sunday of the same week.
  Olga: What do you do?
  Daniel: We have parties for pretty much the whole week and we do some special, kind of special shops and then you can eat empanadas. You know what empanada is?
  Olga: I think so. Isn't it made, you know, with flour, you know, wheat flour and it's filled with something like corn or something?
  Daniel: Yeah, exactly. Well, you have the pastry and then you can fill it with meat, onion, eggs or you can actually put olives in it and then you put it in the oven. It's really, really nice.
  Olga: And do they sell sweet ones too?
  Daniel: Yes, yes. Actually now we have even you can put vegetables in it.
  Olga: Vegetables?
  Daniel: Yeah.
  Olga: Sweet?
  Daniel: I mean sweets or vegetables.
  Olga: Or vegetables.
  Daniel: Or meat, chicken.
  Olga: OK.
  Daniel: Yes. And it always has to go with a drink that is called chicha.
  Olga: What is chicha?
  Daniel: Chicha is kind of wine.
  Olga: Yeah.
  Daniel: It's made out of grapes or apple and it takes awhile to get, to become, you know, alcohol so if you drink it at the beginning it's just juice.
  Olga: Juice.
  Daniel: Yes.
  Olga: I see.