
   花色:suit红桃:hearts 黑桃:spades 方块:diamonds 草花:clubs将牌的花色(就是主牌):trump suit例:What's the trump suit now? 现在什么是主?

  主牌:trumpI only had three trumps last round. 上一盘我才有三张主。
  调主:draw trumps对子:pair三个头,四个头:three of a kind, four of a kind天绝:void (例:void in spades,天绝黑桃)庄家埋完牌,手上如果没花色了也用这个词,动词方式:She must have voided all her hearts. 她一定把红桃全埋掉了。
  枪毙:trump用更高的主牌去毙较低的主牌:overtrump如果对家用很高的主牌毙了,可又没别的牌好跑,只好出个小主:undertrump大:high ;小:low例:high trump 就是比较大的主,low diamond 就是比较小的方块跑副牌:discard出一圈牌(名词):a trick例句:One game of bridge has 13 tricks. 一盘桥牌要出13圈牌。
  Who won the last trick? 刚刚那圈牌是谁赢的?
  底牌:kitty庄家:house埋:bury (例:你埋分了吗?Did you bury any points?)甩:throw造反:revolt