音乐咖啡厅:Ruslana - Heaven never makes us fall(在线收听

音乐咖啡厅:Ruslana - Heaven never makes us fall

相关介绍 :Brandon Heath来自美国德克萨斯州休斯敦,一位玩流行福音的男歌手。这是Brandon的第二张专辑。Gospel是一个很有意思的风格定义,唱诗班的福音可以成为Gospel,但不要因此放弃对这张砖的热爱,在流行音乐的领域,Gospel代表了一种飘然洒脱,绝对可以给你以惊艳和脱俗的感受。 乌克兰超级巨星Ruslana凭借《Wild Dances》,26岁的她当年一举夺得2004年第49届欧洲音乐大赛冠军,此曲是她同名专辑中的主打歌曲,这首歌曲的歌词一半为乌克兰语,一半为英语,结合了传统乌克兰民族音乐及现代摇滚等音乐元素。自从在2004年欧洲电视歌曲大赛上进行了一场轰动一时的表演以来,ruslana已经成为顶级音乐明星之一。一夜之间,她突然拥有了数以百万计的歌迷,数以百计可能的演奏会机会,更重要的是,她赢得了世界的认可。她的音乐风格独一无二,将东欧民族风味的异国情调与摇滚、流行乐曲和舞蹈混合在一起。

歌词 :

Song :Heaven never makes us fall
Artist :Ruslana

She's a cute girl
Made of plastic,
She is sweet,
But so sarcastic,
She was born between the times
In the land of hate and lies.

She knows she has to be strong, and
Everyone is on his own, and
What does it take to move on, and
What does it cost to be wrong, and
Where does she still wants to go, and
Sometimes she just doesn't know that.

But heaven never makes us fall,
Cause heaven needs to love us all.

She's a smart girl,
Her soul is fragile.
She saw it all,
She is fighter,
She knows her way so well.

But heaven never makes us fall,
Cause heaven needs to love us all,
And heaven never lost its trust,
Cause heaven cares about us.
