Horse meat found in pasta of German supermarket chain(在线收听

   COPENHAGEN, Feb. 18 (Xinhua) -- German supermarket chain Lidl in Denmark has found traces of horse meat in a pasta dish, the supermarket annouced late on Monday.

  A pasta dish called Combino Penne Bolognese from the manufacturer Copack has been found containing horse meat, according to Lidl.
  Lidl said the product is now being withdrawn from the market, and for customers who still have the product are able to get a refund. But the chain emphasised that there is no health risk in connection with the product.
  "It is very regrettable, especially for consumers," said Henry Brandes, communication manager at Lidl, in comments made to Danish news agency Ritzau.
  "This is a product purchased through Germany, so here in Denmark we have no direct contact with the manufacturer," he explained.
  The disclosure follows similar announcements in Finland, where horse meat were found in beef goulash and ravioli, and a release in Sweden in connection with the penne Bolognese meal and a goulash soup product.