英闻天下——251 Students Protest against Education Cuts in Spain(在线收听

   About 2 thousand secondary students, teachers and their union representatives have marched in Spain's capital, Madrid.

  The march has coincided with the 3rd day of a week-long general strike by students, who are protesting planned cuts in the public education sector.
  The cuts are part of the austerity measures being brought in by the government of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy to meet deficit targets set by European Union.
  Some regions of Spain, such as Madrid, began instituting cuts last year, which has led to wide-spread frustration among teachers.
  "Here in Madrid the regional government has already started, they have increased teachers' hours, they have reduced the number of specialists at schools. They have increased student -teacher ratios so that reduces quality. We have less human resources compared to what we had years ago. This model will be extended throughout the country."
  Unions claim the cuts will see 13-thouand part-time teachers lose their jobs.
  Spain's unemployment rate now stands at 26-percent.