



  Fred Smith, Cindy’s father, is a businessman working for a large corporation. Her mother, Mary Smith, was a housewife for many years, but has now gone back to work as a secretary. Cindy has a brother, Jimmy, who is sixteen. He is in the tenth grade of the local high school. Cindy finds him rebellious(叛逆的), but she fought with her parents when she was an adolescent(青少年), too. The family is Roman Catholic(天主教), but at college, Cindy does not attend church every Sunday.
  Her mother has only a high school education. Her father started college but dropped out after the first year to go to work. He now earns almost $40,000 a year—enough to afford a comfortable home, but barely enough to keep a daughter in college, too. Cindy has taken out a special loan called a Federal Guaranteed Loan(联邦贷款) to help pay her expenses.
  Politically, her parents regard themselves as “middle-of-the-road”. They usually vote for Democrats; Cindy is not yet old enough to vote. Among all the issues facing the United States today, Cindy feels that inflation is the greatest domestic problem. She is also concerned about pollution, overuse of non-renewable resources such as oil, and the courts’ leniency(宽大) towards criminals(罪犯).
  The family often spend evenings together watching television. Fred Smith is particularly fond of football and baseball telecasts. Cindy watches a variety of shows. As a child, she spent hours in front of the TV set. She has less free time now, but still watches television several hours daily.

 56. What does Cindy think of her brother?

   A. She dislikes him because he is always causing trouble.

   B. She understands him, because she went through a rebellious stage, too.

   C. She dislikes him because he is always arguing with their parents.

   D. She wishes that she could be like him.

 57. Cindy’s father

   A. is very rich.

   B. is rather poor.

   C. is not poor, but cannot afford to pay for his daughter’s college education.

   D. wants Cindy to leave college and find a job.

 58. How could you describe their politics?

   A. They are strong Democrat supporters.

   B. They are strong Republican supporters.

   C. They are not interested in politics.

   D. They are “middle-of-the-road”.

 59. The last paragraph seems to show that

   A. television seems to play a big part in all their lives.

   B. television is not very important in their daily life.

   C. sport plays a very big part in all their lives.

   D. the family spend much of their time together.


  The idea of rain making is almost as old as man, but it was not until 1946 that man succeeded in making rain. In ancient (古代的) times, rainmakers claimed (声称) to be able to bring rain by many methods: dancing, singing, killing various kinds of living creatures (including humans), and blowing a stream of water into the air from a kind of pipe.
  More recently, some rainmakers claimed to make rain by shooting guns, causing explosions, or burning chemicals, the smoke of which was supposed to cause rain to fall. These rainmakers asked for as much as 1,000 dollars to make an inch of rain. One was so effective that he was almost hanged. He was believed to have caused a twenty-inch rain in southern California that flooded that land, killed several people, and did millions of dollars’ worth of damage. Before 1946, rainmakers were either liars or honest people who happened to have good luck. Scientific rain making was started in that year by Vincent J. Schaefer, a scientist at the laboratories of the General Electric Company in New York State. His success was the result of a lucky accident that changed years of failure into victory.

 60. One rainmaker was almost hanged because ______.

   A. he did not make rain at all.

   B. he asked for too much money.

   C. people thought he caused too much rain.

   D. he killed several people

 61. The underlined word liars means _____ .

   A. people who tell lies.

   B. tools used to make rain.

   C. persons who make rain.

   D. people who have good luck.

 62. Which of the following methods can make rain?

   A. Killing pigs and sheep.

   B. Blowing a stream of water into the air from a kind of pipe.

   C. Shooting guns or causing explosions.

   D. None of the above is right.

 63. Who was the first rainmaker succeeding in making rain?

   A. The one who caused a twenty-inch rain in southern California.

   B. Before 1946, a rainmaker who happened to have good luck.

   C. Vincent J. Schaefer, in 1946.

   D. The passage doesn't tell us his or her name.


  Daphne asked Jim, a friend of Walter's, for some extra help on her political science homework. On Friday, they agreed to meet at his dormitory (宿舍)study room at 8 Sunday night. It was 8:05 when Jim arrived. He wasn't on time as he usually is, because he had been out enjoying the spring weather after eating at MacDonald's. But he wasn't worried, because he knew from Walter that Daphne was usually late. When Daphne hadn't arrived by 8:25, Jim was a little surprised. He decided to go to the dorm lounge (休息室)and watch his favorite Sunday night TV show. It started at 8:30, so he had to hurry.
  When he got to the lounge, Walter was just leaving. "Hey, Jim, your favorite TV show just  finished. Where were you? It was wonderful!"
  "What do you mean, Walter? It's 8:30, so I'm just in time to watch it!" Jim replied, looking a little confused(困惑).
  "Did you adjust (校正)your watch last night?" Walter asked. Then he explained, "Last night you were supposed to move your watch ahead one hour. We do this every year on the last Sunday in April. Then, on the last Sunday in October, everyone moves clock back an hour.
  We say spring ahead, fall back to help us remember which way to adjust our clocks." Walter stopped to see if Jim had understood his explanation."You don't do that in Indiana, I guess.""No, we don't." Jim said, shaking his head. "In that case, I was over an hour late formy appointment(约定)with Daphne, not only five minutes. Wow! She'll never let me forget this!"

 64. What is an important idea of this story?

   A. Daphne is usually late.

   B. There are no time changes in Indiana.

   C. Jim likes his favorite Sunday night TV show.

   D. Jim was late because he didn't know about the time changes.

 65. Why did Jim look confused when he learned the TV show had just finished?

   A. Because he missed the wonderful TV show.

   B. Because he thought he was just in time to watch his favorite TV show.

   C. Because he was late for the show.

   D. Because he forgot the time of the show.

 66. Are all the citizens in the United States supposed to move their watches ahead in spring and back in fall?

   A. Certainly they are.

   B. No, they are not.

   C. No, those who live in Indiana do not do that.

   D. Certainly they are besides those living in Indiana.

 67. Imagine you are going to a party at 2 p.m. on the last Sunday in April. If you forget about time change, what time will you arrive?

   A.3 p.m. B. 4 p.m. C. 1 p.m. D. 2 p.m.


  On Christmas Eve a few years ago an English couple received a very special telephone call. It was only a 20-second call but it was very important. The Haydens' 15-year-old daughter had disappeared six months before. On Christmas Eve she rang them. "I'm phoning to wish a happy Christmas," she said, " I love you."
  Ronals and Edwine Hayden were so happy that they started a special telephone service called "Alive and well". The service helps parents to get in touch with children who have run away from home.
  Young people can phone "Alive and Well" and leave a message for their parents. The telephones are answered by answering machines. So no one can speak to the child of make him return home. 
  Parents of runaway children who are under eighteen can ask the police to bring their children home. So children do not want to tell their parents where they are. Through "Alive and Well" they can telephone their parents without worrying about this or giving out their addresses.
  The Haydens and their helpers write down the tape-recorded telephone messages and connect the addresses given. Many of the 30,000 British teenagers (十来岁的孩子) who have left home are probably in London. For only two pence they can go into a telephone coin box and call their parents. They can dial(拨) 5675339 and stop a parent's worry: Is he dead or alive?

 68. The Haydens' daughter rang her parents _____ .

   A. because she knew she had done something wrong.

   B. in order to give them her address.

   C. to say she was coming home soon.

   D. in order to comfort her worried parents.

 69. If you ring "Alive and Well", ____ .

   A. you will get the information you want.

   B. your message will be passed over to your parents.

   C. your information will be kept a secret.

   D. your parents will know where you are.

 70. Which of the following is true?

   A. The Haydens received an "Alive and Well" call from their daughter before Christmas.

   B. An "Alive and Well" call usually costs only two pence because it is quite near and short.

   C. In this passage at least 30,000 British teenagers don't want to live with their parents.

   D. The "Alive and Well" call is far less important than the message it sends.

 71. Through "Alive and Well", parents of runaway children _____.

   A. often fail to persuade their children to return home.

   B. know nothing from their children except their addresses.

   C. can say nothing to their children.

   D. can ask the police to help them to find lost children.


  Banks are not ordinarily prepared to pay out all accounts; they rely on depositors(储户)not to demand payment all at the same time. If depositors should come to fear that a bank is not safe, that it cannot pay off all its depositors, then that fear might cause all the depositors to appear on the same day. If they did, the bank could not pay all accounts. However, if they did not all appear at once, then there would always be enough money to pay those who wanted their money when they wanted it. Mrs. Elsie Vaught has told us of a terrifying bank run that she experienced. One day in December of 1925 several banks failed to open in a city where Mrs. Vaught lived. The other banks expected a run the next day, and so the officers of the bank in which Mrs. Vaught worked as a teller had enough money on hand to pay off their depositors. The officers simply told the tellers to pay on demand. The next morning a crowd gathered in the bank and on the sidewalk outside. The length of the line made many think that the bank could not possibly pay off everyone. People began to push and then to fight for places near the tellers’ windows, The power of the panic atmosphere was such that two tellers, though they knew that the bank was quite all right and could pay all depositors, drew their own money from the bank. Mrs. Vaught says that she had difficulty keeping herself from doing the same.

 72. A bank run happens when ____.

   A. a bank is closed for one or more days

   B. too many depositors try to draw out their money at one time

   C. there is not enough money to pay all its depositors at one time

   D. tellers of a bank take their own money from the bank

 73. The tellers in Mrs. Vaught’s bank were told to _____.

   A. explain why they could not pay out all accounts

   B. pay out accounts as requested

   C. make the depositors believe that the bank was stand

   D. pay out money as slowly as possible

 74. Which of the following did Mrs. Vaught say?

   A. She knew that the bank was not sound.

   B. She feared that too many depositors drawing their money would close the bank.

   C. She was not able to draw out her money.

   D. She was tempted to draw out her money.

 75. According to the passage, the actions of the depositors of Mrs. Vaught’s bank were affected mainly by the _____.

   A. ease with which they could get their money

   B. confidence that Mrs. Vaught showed

   C. failure of several other banks to open

   D. confidence shown by other depositors of the bank


第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)






  Three men were discussing what to donate(捐献) money   76.________

to God, and first they couldn’t agree with each other     77.________

Then each told their own idea. The first man suggested     78.________

drawing a circle on the ground and throw coins. The       79.________

money out the circle belonged to God. The second        80.________

man who added, “We will donate coins inside the circle     81._________

to God because God is our heart.” The third man        82._________

said, “Your ideas are not bad, though I have a better     83.________

idea. Let’s throw coins into the sky. Those God accepts    84._________

belong to him. So God can accept so much money as he      85._________

can. At last they began throwing coins into the sky happily.

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

  以The Value of Time为题写一篇短文。词数100左右,要求包含下面几项内容:

 1、 时间比金钱更重要、宝贵,所以我们要好好珍惜时间。

 2、 时间对每个人来说都是有限的,应该充分利用大好时光为国家效力。

 3、 提出有些人并没有意识到时间的价值。

 4、 一定要养成良好的节约时间的好习惯。 
