美国俚语:悬而未决 up in the air(在线收听

   大家看过乔治克鲁尼主演的电影Up in the Air吗?你对up in the air的意思是怎样理解的?在俚语词典中,up in the air的解释如下:not decided or completely developed, undecided/uncertain about someone or something.  中文意思就是“悬而未决,未定,尚无定论。”.例句:

  We have no idea which school she'll be attending in September - everything is still up in the air.  我们不知道她在9月会去哪所学校,还没定下来呢。
  Let's leave this question up in the air until next week. 我们下周再解决这个问题吧。