
Article 9 Software copyright shall belong to the software creators, unless otherwise specified in this Regulation. 
 第九条 软件著作权属于软件开发者,本条例另有规定的除外。

Failing proof to the contrary, natural persons, legal persons or other organizations named in the software shall be the creators.  

Article 10 The ownership of copyright in the software that was jointly created by two or more natural persons, legal persons or other organizations shall be stipulated in a written contract by the co-creators. 
 第十条 由两个以上的自然人、法人或者其他组织合作开发的软件,其著作权的归属由合作开发者签订书面合同约定。

In the absence of such a written contract or an explicit stipulation in the contract, any of the co-creators may enjoy the copyright in the part he created if that software can be separated for use. Notwithstanding, his exercise of copyright may not be extended to the whole copyright in that software. 

If that software cannot be separated for use, the copyright in it shall be jointly enjoyed by the co-creators and exercised by negotiation among them. In the case of failure of negotiation and without due grounds, one party may not prevent the other party from exercising the rights other than the right of transfer. Notwithstanding, profits thus received shall be distributed among all the co-creators reasonably.

Article 11 The ownership of copyright in the software that was created under the commission of other person shall be stipulated in a written contract by the commissioning and commissioned parties. In the absence of such a written contract or an explicit stipulation in the contract, the copyright in that software shall belong to the commissioned party. 
 第十一条 接受他人委托开发的软件,其著作权的归属由委托人与受托人签订书面合同约定;无书面合同或者合同未作明确约定的,其著作权由受托人享有。

Article 12 The ownership and exercise of copyright in the software that was created pursuant to a task assigned by a State organ shall be stipulated in the project task document or contract. If no explicit stipulation is made in the project task document or contract, the copyright in that software shall belong to the legal person or other organization that accepts the task. 
 第十二条 由国家机关下达任务开发的软件,著作权的归属与行使由项目任务书或者合同规定;项目任务书或者合同中未作明确规定的,软件著作权由接受任务的法人或者其他组织享有。
