经典英文歌曲:Jason Mraz HK现场演绎《93 Million Miles》(在线收听

Jason Mraz HK现场演绎《93 Million Miles》

Jason Mraz演唱会香港站可谓精彩迭起!演唱《93 Million Miles》时男巫大走温馨怀旧路线。此歌充满了浪漫的想象力,九千三百万英里代表着地球和太阳之间的距离。这首歌也是新碟《Love is a Four Letter Word》中的第4支单曲。结尾处各种弦乐器的的完美交融让全场歌迷在星辰的光芒中沉醉......


93 million miles from the Sun,
people get ready get ready,
'cause here it comes it’s a light,
a beautiful light, over the horizon into your eyes
Oh, my my how beautiful, oh my beautiful mother
She told me, "Son in life you’re gonna go far
and if you do it right you’ll love where you are
Just know, wherever you go, you can always come back home"

240 thousand miles from the Moon,
you’ve come a long way to belong here,
To share this view of the night,
a glorious night,
over the horizon is another bright sky
Oh, my my how beautiful,
oh my irrefutable father,
He told me, "Son in life it may seem dark,
but the absence of the light is a necessary part.
Just know, that wherever you go, you can always come back home"

You can always come back…

Every road is a slippery slope
There is always a hand you can hold on to.
Looking deeper through the telescope
You can see that the home’s inside of you.

Just know, that wherever you go,
oh no you’re never alone, you can always come back home…



93 million miles from the Sun,
people get ready get ready,
'cause here it comes it’s a light,
a beautiful light, over the horizon in to your eyes
